
  • Was 9/11 a False Flag? An Explosive Investigation on Conspiracy Corner
    Sep 11 2024

    Near the anniversary of 9/11- in homage to those lost- looking into numerous weird details of the 9/11 attacks including missing funds, use of explosives, secondary explosions, possible controlled demolitions, ill-qualified pilots, and sordid links to political power.

    Let me know if I should do a Part 2- Because there is still so much more to discuss about this event that I couldn't get to in this episode!

    All questions asked are for the sake of lives lost- not to make light of their passing.

    But If you'd like to check sources yourself, sources will be included below:

    9/11 Commission Report- FULL PDF Link

    Joe Rogan Discusses Rumsfeld and The Missing Money

    PBD Podcast- Did Jetfuel Melt Steel Beams

    Redacted Discussion on Un-Interruptable Auto Pilot, CA Dan Hanley

    Redacted- Discussion on Air Defense Failure on 9/11

    Donald Rumsfeld Speaking on Business Practices at the Pentagon (CSPAN 28:11 mins, $2.3 Trillion Transactions Missing)

    A little about Haliburton- Insight into Why Dick Cheney may have had a vested interested in the 9/11 attacks and going to war

    Defense.gov Study Series Pentagon 9/11 (PDF)

    Hard-Hit Pentagon Office Carries On in Aftermath of Terror Attack - The Washington Post – Accounting Offices Destroyed in 9/11 Pentagon Attack- A potential link to missing money in the Pentagon

    Naval History and Heritage Command- Attack on the Pentagon (Several Images)

    E Ring Offices Exposed During Collapse (Naval History and Heritage Command Image- Ring where Accounting Offices were impacted by AA77)

    Active Thermitic Material...

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    39 min
  • Eve Was Framed!!! / "Wee Wees" UNLEASHED
    Jun 2 2024

    Walk with me through the untold, unsavory portrayals of The Garden of Eden and the Creation of Humanity. Come with me to discover the differences in these mythological stories that we've been told, and why - exactly- certain variants of the story were covered up, in spite of widely being in circulation before heavy revision of the King James Bible. We'll also delve a bit into Humanity's purpose- and what has kept us from reaching our maximum self-awareness and agency both past and present.

    These stories- buried and forgotten- are wayyyy beyond tin-foil hat conspiracy theories. Purposefully re-written myths have the power to shape the lens through which we see the world.

    Were you as surprised as I was to hear what the original stories said? About Eve, her children, and Humanity's Purpose? Are you ready to take the Red Pill?

    #EveWasFramed #NoDiddy #WeeWeesUnleashed

    Thanks for coming along this wild ride with me!! :)

    Check out my Podcast site at www.MythicConnectionsUnleashed.com

    Listen along on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and a host of other platforms!

    Do you want to know more about the topics on today's episode? Here's a list of my sources! All of them can be found on Amazon if you want to dive in!

    - The Holy Bible, King James Version

    - The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Edited by Marvin Meyer

    - Popul Vu, The Definitive Edition of The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and The Glories of Gods and Kings, Dennis Tedlock

    - Enuma Elish, The Babylonian Creation Epic, Timothy J. Stephany

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    1 h et 15 min
  • The Setup: Nazi Boy Scouts? And Medusa???
    Apr 24 2024

    Walk with me through “The Set-Up” in which we’ll lay the foundation to understand how exactly Mythology is a tool for change- and for control- in the world. Of course it’s Episode one so there is lots to learn- for me and for you.

    Thanks for coming along on this new wild ride with me ✌🏽😁

    If you’d like to chat with me on a future episode, check out my Guest Survey at https://linktr.ee/mythicconnectionsunleashed

    Do you want to know more about today’s episode?

    Part 1: Education, Indoctrination, Acculturation

    1. How the Hitler Youth Turned a Generation of Kids Into Nazis | HISTORY

    2. Did John D. Rockefeller Say 'I Don't Want A Nation Of Thinkers, I Want A Nation Of Workers'? | Snopes.com

    3. Country School of Tomorrow- The country school of to-morrow : Gates, Frederick Taylor, 1853-1929 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    4. What Was Operation Paperclip? | HISTORY

    5. Operation Paperclip | Definition, History, & World War II | Britannica

    6. How America Educated Children of Nazis after World War II | TIME

    7.What Is Acculturation and Why It Happens (simplypsychology.org)

    Part 2: The Types of Myth, & Why It's Important to Know Them

    8. The Three Types of Myths: Aetiological, Historical, and Psychological – Mythology Unbound: An Online Textbook for Classical Mythology (pressbooks.pub)

    9. Intro to Various Modern Theories of Myth (4 Types) 1-52-pdf.pdf (ijellh.com)

    10. Mythopoeic thought - Wikipedia

    11. Introduction to Sigmund Freud, Module on the Unconscious (purdue.edu)

    Part 3: Heresy, Inquisitions, & Modification of the Bible

    12. A Brief History of Christian Inquisitions - Brewminate: A Bold Blend of News and...

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    23 min
  • Beyond the Veil- Mythic Connections UNLEASHED Trailer
    Apr 24 2024

    I've always wondered about the hidden mysticism and mythologies that have shaped our world.

    Have you?

    See more of me on IG @mythicconnections.unleashed!

    Can't wait to have you along for my new, wild ride :)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 min