Healing Energies, Songs and Insights
from Norma and her guides Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira.
The current Spiritual energies help us to do more than just awaken to our Souls journey. We can also tag those issues in our life where we may not be able to hear our guides and angels clearly. Areas of our life where we may be shutting ourselves off from hearing the prompting of the Soul, because in the past it's been so painful. That is what is up for us and what we are addressing, through politics, and this meditation, right now.
Part of what's happening externally in the world is to help us identify and clear some of the unconscious truths that we still hold within ourselves. For me, an unconscious truth is a belief, with a related habit pattern, that is built into our physical body. Our beliefs are constantly being updated as we experience the world and grow in our Spiritual understanding and lived life experience. But sometimes beliefs built during infancy and expanded upon during childhood get stuck and do not evolve.
When a belief does not change, it usually is because we experienced pain whenever our Soul prompts us to step beyond the belief.
For example, your family promoted traditional male/female roles. A brother was glorified for moderately participating in sports while you, his sister, showed up to every practice and excelled. But after each game you were called ugly and sweaty and belittled by family members. The unconscious truth carried into adult life is that when you put effort and passion into something you love and enjoy, you will be emotionally cut down and not credited or supported by those who are important. Additionally, others will be praised for far less effort and accomplishment.
The emotional and energetic pain you experienced in childhood re-emerges into your awareness. It is easier, and far less painful, to not excel, to not follow your passion, and to not listen and follow your Soul’s promptings.
And so we stop ourselves from expressing what the Soul truly wants to express through us. Over time we shut down our ability to even hear the prompting from our Soul. That is what we are working with right now in the world. We have, out of necessity and in order to avoid pain, shut down so many promptings coming from our Soul. It is time to remove the pain patterns in our body and emotional energy field.
Norma's music and meditations are available on most streaming sites. Online events, workshops and newsletters at her website: http://www.healingchants.com
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