We must get to the core reason why people believe that sin should be a normal way of life. The core reason is to destroy and kill the generational advancements of the bloodlines of the participants in hopes to deny the birthing of a person who will be a great addition and asset to their communities and to God’s plan for mankind. Now is the time to believe that tomorrow is not promised and decide where you will spend eternity. Will you spend it with God, worshipping and praising Him for His grace and mercy, or will you be cast into the darkness prepared for the devil, his angels, and all unbelievers? Please accept Christ today as your personal Savior; He has a mansion and all the provisions that you will ever need on earth and in heaven. It takes a leap of faith and trust right here, right now to be sealed by the power of the blood of Christ. You won’t be condemned by God, and you surely will not be turned away from Jesus for your decision. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. #loveliftedme #special #relationship #relationshipwithjesus #chooseone #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove