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Hey, superstars!
Feeling stuck in your business journey?
In this episode, we’re diving into the challenges of navigating the messy middle of growing your business. I’ll help you identify when you’re stuck in this phase and share actionable strategies to move forward.
Once the honeymoon phase is over, you may hit a point where energy runs low, the focus shifts to unproductive tasks, and growth feels stagnant. This moment marks reaching the ceiling of complexity, where challenges start to surface.
Freedom and growth await on the other side—let’s keep evolving, nurturing, and pushing forward.
Join me and tune in to this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Navigating The Messy Middle Of Growing Your Business
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Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
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