As a transpersonal planet, Neptune has a profoundly personal impact on how our human soul expresses during this lifetime. As we continue our discussions this season of Gen X's second Saturn return experience--that moment of change in our late 50s--this episode focuses on the pivotal role of Neptune in our birth chart and our second Saturn return chart. This is a critical detail to understand as each of us steps through the second Saturn portal into the last third of our lives. Join me here to prepare for the psychic phenomena calling out to you as a Gen Xer!
** If you enjoy this season and are interested to sit as a guest and talk about your own Second Saturn experience, please reach out to me at
I’m your host and guide, Dani Doucette, the Grumpy Gen X Mystic. I'm a certified life coach, astrologer, tarot reader, and master reiki practitioner. I've found that esotericism comes easily to me, because I'm naturally willing to surrender. You can learn more about how to work with me to stand in your own Power at
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