Nathan and Ben dig into newly released admissions data and discuss the impact of the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ban. Later, the guys advocate greater transparency in law school pricing, assess JD-Next as an alternative to the LSAT, and investigate the ascendent Texas A&M School of Law.
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4:25 - New Law School Enrollment Data - The ABA just released law schools’ Standard 509 disclosures for 2024. Ben and Nathan discuss what the numbers mean for URM admissions following the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ban.
14:55 - Scholarships - ABA 509 reports now define full-tuition scholarships as “scholarships that cover tuition and mandatory fees.” Listener Emma wonders if this definition allows law schools to obscure their scholarship numbers. Nathan and Ben consider solutions to law schools’ discriminatory pricing model.
31:20 - JD-Next - Some law schools now report the number of enrolled students who took JD-Next, an alternative law school admissions test. So far, those numbers are low.
34:30 - What’s the Deal with…? - Ben and Nathan look into Texas A&M University School of Law, which has rocketed up the US News rankings in recent years.
1:16:56 - Read Every Answer - The guys explain why you should read every answer on every LSAT question.
1:21:57 - Word of the Week - Thinking LSAT listeners should avail themselves of LSAT Demon’s free classes at