Nico Seedsman spent 13 years in the Australian military, first as an electrical engineer in the Navy, then with a Recon unit in the Army, before spending his final eight years in the SAS.
Nico left the military after suffering catastrophic multi-system health issues and eventually brought himself back to health through a combination of stem cell therapy, indigenous medicine, and an intensive focus on recovery.
Nico is now an actor who has made appearances on Apple TV and Paramount networks, a high-performance coach, the CEO and founder of Odin Stem Cells, and the founder of a veterans philanthropy organization called Warrior Refit.
Learn more about Nico:
How to prepare for Australian SAS/Commando Selection:
Building the Elite Coaching App:
00:00:21 Introduction to Nico Seedsman
00:01:02 Nico Seedsman Career Overview
00:06:50 Spiraling Health
00:10:40 Regenerative Medicines
00:13:01 SASR (SAS) Selection
00:16:31 Fighting the Internal Battle In Your Head
00:26:21 Prepping for Selection
00:33:07 The Social Dynamic During Selection
00:38:40 Fitness Level vs. Mentality/Personality
00:44:14 The Way You Train & Effect On Health
00:46:38 One-Percenters
00:49:11 Sponsor Note: High Emotional Stability & High Conscientiousness
00:53:48 Best & Worst Advice You’ve Ever Gotten
00:54:41 Wrap Up