The sale of the sovereign rights of all NATO and UN countries (i.e. the whole world) to a young, ignorant real estate agent through a 1998 international treaty in which the development was sold as a unit with all rights, obligations and components as a unit. This triggered a domino effect of territorial expansion beyond the NATO property originally sold. Through the involvement of NATO and the UN, networks and thus sovereignty are affected worldwide. Another, subsequent treaty was supposed to transfer everything to Germany before the young man knew what he had bought, but this was sabotaged by double agents. This transfer under international law was to enable Germany's plans for world domination. The podcast hosts discuss the legal implications of this contract and the resulting damage to the buyer by Germany. An assassination attempt on the buyer's mother is described as well as the attempt to cover up the truth. One document describes the legal details of the contract and its possible consequences, the other focuses on the story behind the contract.