
  • Portable Digital IDs and the City - Ready or Not?
    Jun 21 2024

    The pilot episode! The ex-CIOs are “unleashed” and talk about the state of innovation leadership in local government (whose job is it really?) and delve into the value of digital IDs and state-issued mobile driver licenses (mDLs) to cities. They discuss how different approaches to digital ID can seamlessly, and securely, unlock municipal services for residents. Mike provides details on a recent project exploring emergency relief payments with decentralized IDs and verifiable credentials. Mark answers the question, how do local governments get ready for the adoption of portable digital IDs and mDLs?


    • Recap their digital ID panel at Smart Cities Connect with guest speakers and digital ID experts from Socure, Ying, and Spruce ID.
    • Hot topics at the recent Smart Cities Connect conference in Raleigh, NC.
    • Highlights from the local music scene - the Sweeping Promises show in downtown Raleigh.

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    41 min