
  • 70: How we use "do" to ask questions in English - Replay of episode 58
    Feb 27 2025

    "Do" she play tuba or "does" she play tuba? A diferencia del español, es necesario en ciertas preguntas usar el verbo auxiliar "do." This episode gives examples, repetition, and a quiz at the end!

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    19 min
  • 69, Gabo and Goyo interview Mike Ben! An English teacher to hispanohablantes offers his advice about learning English
    Feb 2 2025

    Mike Benjamin (www.youtube.com/@MikeBen) has dedicated the most recent years of his life to learning and teaching language. As an English speaker, he has learned so much Spanish (you can watch his progress on his YouTube channel) since 2020 that he now leads a group of Conversational Spanish students as their language coach. As a lover of both Hispanic cultures and also learning language, he chose to change his profession from Math teacher over to English (as a Foreign Language) teacher. Mike is an inspiration to others.

    In this interview, Mike discusses his journey from knowing little Spanish in early 2020 to having regular conversations and friendships with Latinos in several countries. Finalmente, detalla las tendencias que ha observado en su propio salón en cuanto a ciertos errores comunes en inglés que cometen sus estudiantes.

    Mike interviewed Goyo in the summer of 2024 on his channel. If you would like to hear about Greg's journey as a Mexican American, find that episode here: https://youtu.be/JJTIzrMBIwM?si=M0aBoe7B0kOCJQPw

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    43 min
  • Episode 68 - A different sort of Thanksgiving this year
    Nov 28 2024

    Greg reflects on changing family circumstances and how this year, his wife and kids will not sit down with extended family to eat the traditional meal. Instead, Goyo will take his family to...a buffet?

    If you would like to hear more about Thanksgiving in its traditional sense, please go to Episode 23 of No Te Rindas Intermediate English Podcast.

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    6 min
  • 67 - SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EPISODE for hispanohablantes - Witches and ghosts from the old South, USA
    Oct 27 2024

    Americans love a scary story, and there is plenty of tragedy in the history of some of its towns to promote spirits and phantoms. Where Goyo lives, in Marietta, Georgia, hundreds and hundreds of Union and Rebel bodies lay in the town square, waiting for funerals. Listen to one ghost story based in local folklore about a young married couple doomed to be separated by war.

    Este episodio emplea mucho español a lo largo de la narración. Aprenderás conceptos en inglés de Halloween y también un poco de la historia de nuestra Guerra Civil (1861-1865).

    Vocabulario de El Halloween en español
    La cultura e historia de los Estados Unidos
    Teach English through stories

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    16 min
  • Episode 66: The language of employee evaluation - como los jefes miden el desempeño y describen la retroalimentación en inglés en EEUU a los trabajadores
    Oct 22 2024

    In this episode, Gabo y Goyo talk about the language of "employee evaluation" in American English, as well as some of the factors that affect evaluation, such as taking breaks and requesting leave.

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    29 min
  • 65 - Customer Service English, part 3 - spelling and giving phone customers concrete choices
    Sep 30 2024

    To access Milena's guide to spelling using the NATO phonetic alphabet: https://tinyurl.com/EnglishMadeSimple or visit her website at EnglishMadeSimple.net.

    In today's episode, Gabo y Goyo teach two ways to make oneself more clear in English to customers.

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    24 min
  • 64 - Mistakes in English that you will hear from NATIVE SPEAKERS -- errores comunes que cometen los nativos del inglés
    Sep 15 2024

    The most important habit you can have in moving through Intermediate proficiency in a language is to listen to natives who speak it. However, what happens when native speakers "break" the rules of their own language? We talk about this issue with humor, examples, and a wide variety of voices, in today's episode.

    We discuss:

    had went
    I seen
    There's things
    Her and I

    and more! ¡Chécanos!

    Outside resources used:


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    33 min
  • 63, Intermediate English - Compare these American words with their Australian counterparts! Interview with Milena of English Made Simple! Aprender cómo baño, carrito, quejarse y otros conceptos son diferentes entre EEUU y Australia
    Aug 25 2024

    Please listen to EnglishMadeSimple.net to hear Milena's podcast about English in Australia!

    In this episode, we discuss in depth with humor, examples, and "matíces" the following concepts:

    AUS -- USA
    Bloke — guy
    Bushwalk/bushwalking — hike/hiking
    Chemist shop — drug store
    Dunny - bathroom
    Footpath or pavement — sidewalk
    Holiday -- vacation - holiday for us is a day on the calendar
    Trolley — shopping cart
    Whinge — complain
    Queue — line
    Arvo -- afternoon

    More than just a list, this episode will give you context, show you how our conversations flow, and help you with your listening comprehension as you develop your ability to speak.

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    39 min