
  • Non Serviam Podcast #64 - Liberating Body & Mind with Thomas J. Webb
    Feb 16 2025
    NSP #64 we spoke with Thomas Webb (they/them) about transhumanism, social media, libertarianism, transphobia and gender liberation. Thomas is a software engineer who manages open source projects and advocates for decentralized social media. They are a fellow at C4SS, having written articles on various subjects, often touching on transgender rights and youth liberation. Links https://mastodon.social/@thomasjwebb https://thomaswebb.net https://c4ss.org/content/author/thomas-j-webb 0:00:00 Introduction 0:05:09 Political Origins and Prop 8 0:16:17 The Focus is Freedom 0:20:17 The Psychological Toll of Elections 0:26:25 Elon Trump 0:31:39 The Case for Anti-Bigotry Activism 0:42:39 Mainstream Media 0:53:39 AI 1:01:22 Real Name Policy FB 1:11:59 Social Media 1:16:43 Privacy 1:21:08 Bottom Unity 1:28:39 Fear of Change 1:31:23 The News Bias 1:32:58 Burkean Anarchism 1:36:29 Conspiracy Theory Censored by Big Tech 1:41:19 Parler J6 1:44:16 Bans 1:47:09 Free Speech 1:50:54 Ruby Ridge 2:00:53 The "Liberty" Movement and Conspiracies 2:07:40 Skepticism of Power 2:19:46 The Trans - Libertarian Connection 2:24:05 Holocaust Denial 2:29:45 Lightning Round 2:39:12 Media Recommendations 2:44:32 Outro Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: mastodon.social/@LucyStag bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social x.com/LucyStag https://lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    2 h et 47 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #63 - Political Realignments with Jesse Walker
    Jan 10 2025
    For NSP 63, journalist and author Jesse Walker returns to the show to talk about how crises impact political spectrum. We also covered left-right overlap in health and spirituality, how conservatism nevertheless progresses, social media, libertarianism, and more! Jesse Walker is books editor of Reason magazine. He has written on topics ranging from pirate radio to copyright law to political paranoia, and he is author of the books Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America (New York University Press, 2001) and The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory (HarperCollins, 2013). Links: Social Media notjessewalker Personal Blog https://jessewalker.blogspot.com/ Reason Magazine https://reason.com/people/jesse-walker/ How the Political Spectrum Turned Inside Out https://reason.com/2024/10/26/how-the-political-spectrum-turned-inside-out/ The United States of Paranoia https://www.harpercollins.com/products/the-united-states-of-paranoia-jesse-walker?variant=40969915727906 0:00:31 Intro 0:07:00 Health, Welness, and Religion 0:18:52 Social Conservative Evolution 0:20:19 Crises and the Political Spectrum 0:27:38 Donald Trump's Ideology 0:29:30 Predictions 0:40:42 Movies 0:45:23 Immigration and Xenophobia 0:49:29 Libertarian Culture Wars 0:54:39 Ron Paul 0:58:30 United States of Paranoia 1:03:23 Alex Jones 1:07:09 Lighting Round 1:19:04 Cappuccino 1:19:45 Media Recommendations 1:20:22 Social Media 1:31:00 Conclusion Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: mastodon.social/@LucyStag bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social x.com/LucyStag lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    1 h et 34 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #62 - Radical Action Beyond Elections with Natasha Lennard
    Dec 6 2024
    For NSP 62 we spoke with Natasha Lennard about journalism, the 2024 U.S. election, state-cautious communism, and more! Natasha Lennard is a columnist for The Intercept, and her work has appeared in The Nation, Bookforum, and Dissent, among others. She is the associate director of the Creative Publishing & Critical Journalism program at The New School. She is the author of “Being Numerous: Essays on Non-Fascist Life" (Verso Books). She is working on her next book, on how we might better conceptualize uncertainty and certainty, also for Verso. Links: Personal Site https://natashalennard.com/ The Intercept https://theintercept.com/staff/natasha-lennard/ Being Numerous https://www.versobooks.com/products/863-being-numerous Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: mastodon.social/@LucyStag bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social x.com/LucyStag lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    1 h et 44 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #61 - Economics and Empires with Chris Coyne
    Nov 9 2024
    For NSP 61 we spoke with Christopher Coyne about the economics or warmaking. We also discussed the boomerang effect, pacifism, revolution, and libertarian anarchism. Christopher J. Coyne is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University, the Associate Director of the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center, and the Director of the Initiative for the Study of a Stable Peace (ISSP) through the Hayek Program. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and a Non-resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute. Coyne serves as the Co-Editor of The Review of Austrian Economics and of The Independent Review. Chris is the editor of The Legacy of Robert Higgs (2024, Mercatus Center), and the author or co-author of How to Run Wars: A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite (2024, Independent Institute), In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace (2022, Independent Institute), Manufacturing Militarism: U.S. Government Propaganda in the War on Terror (2021, Stanford University Press), Tyranny Comes Home: The Domestic Fate of U.S. Militarism (2018, Stanford University Press), and many more. Links: Initiative for the Study of a Stable Peace https://www.stablepeace.com F. A. Hayek Program https://www.mercatus.org/hayekprogram How To Run Wars book https://www.independent.org/store/book.asp?id=145 The Legacy of Robert Higgs book https://www.mercatus.org/hayekprogram/research/books/legacy-robert-higgs Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon https://kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: https://mastodon.social/@LucyStag https://bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social https://x.com/LucyStag https://lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    1 h et 51 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #60 - Righteous Love and Rage with Eric King
    Oct 5 2024
    For NSP 60 we spoke with Eric King about his time as a political prisoner, including surviving SuperMax, nazi gangs and guards, and how he maintains love, hope, and solidarity. Eric King (he/him) is an anarchist political prisoner who is a husband and father of two. He was released from ADX Federal SuperMax at the end of 2023 after serving approximately ten years for an act of solidarity with the community of Ferguson, Missouri after the police murdered Michael Brown. He is the co-editor of Rattling the Cages, a political prisoner anthology, along with Josh Davidson, and is currently working at the Bread and Roses Legal Center as a paralegal. Links: Bread and Roses Legal Center https://www.breadandroseslaw.org/ Rattling the Cages book https://www.akpress.org/rattling-the-cages.html Live Like the World is Dying interview with Eric https://www.liveliketheworldisdying.com/s1e105-eric-king-on-surviving-prison/ Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon https://kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: https://mastodon.social/@LucyStag https://bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social https://x.com/LucyStag https://lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    1 h et 39 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #59 - Safety Through Solidarity with Shane Burley
    Sep 6 2024
    For NSP 59 we spoke with Shane Burley about anti-fascism, green anarchism, voting, religion, Israel, and his recent book "Safety Through Solidarity" (co-authored with Ben Lorber) on combatting antisemitism. Shane Burley is the author of several books on the far-right and social movements, and has contributed to places such as NBC News, Jewish Currents, Al Jazeera, The Baffler, The Daily Beast, Haaretz, In These Times, Yes! Magazine, Tikkun, and The Oregon Historical Quarter. Links: https://burlesshanae.medium.com/ https://patreon.com/shaneburley https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/741043/safety-through-solidarity-by-shane-burley/ 00:00:00 Introduction 00:05:50 Green Anarchy 00:09:31 Thinking Outside the Possible 00:14:38 What is Fascism? 00:24:44 Countering Fascism 00:30:36 Freedom of Speech 00:37:29 Countering Authoritarianism 00:43:23 Traditions 00:51:51 Fighting Antisemitism 01:04:09 Palestine 01:17:33 Intersectionality 01:25:52 Civic Inequality in Israel 01:37:17 Gaza 01:43:43 The Call to Action 01:49:38 Media Recommendations 01:53:08 Cappuccino 02:00:20 Outro Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon https://kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: https://mastodon.social/@LucyStag https://bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social https://x.com/LucyStag https://lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    2 h et 3 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #58 - The Curious Anarchist Task with Alex Aragona
    Aug 10 2024
    For NSP 58 we spoke with our friend and host of The Curious Task, Alex Aragona about anarchism, liberalism, economics, indigenous rights, Canada, and more. Alex Aragona is a partner at a creative marketing agency. He also is the host of the Institute For Liberal Studies Podcast, The Curious Task, and is a fellow at C4SS. His writing has appeared at C4SS, Adam Smith Works, and Liberal Currents. https://www.liberalstudies.ca/people/alex-aragona/ https://www.c4ss.org/content/author/alex-aragona/ https://www.adamsmithworks.org/people/alex-aragona/ https://www.liberalcurrents.com/author/alexaragona/ 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:58 The Bridge Between Liberalism and Anarchism 00:20:52 Canadian Politics 00:36:03 Erasure of Indigenous Peoples 00:46:48 What is Justice for Indigenous Peoples? 00:55:18 Land 01:00:14 Influencial Thinkers 01:13:46 The Geneology of Labels 01:19:55 Hurray for Hayek 01:26:14 Markets 01:37:21 The Morality of Shoplifting 01:47:15 Bringing Anarchism To Your Life 01:56:36 Progressives Being Classist Online 02:03:06 Media Recommendations 02:08:43 Cappuccino 02:10:04 Outro Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon https://kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: https://mastodon.social/@LucyStag https://bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social https://x.com/LucyStag https://lucysteigerwald.substack.com/
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    2 h et 14 min
  • Non Serviam Podcast #57 - Anarchy, State, & Christianity with Gary Chartier
    Jul 6 2024
    For NSP 57, we spoke with Gary Chartier about his book Christianity and the Nation-State. Gary Chartier is Distinguished Professor of Law and Business Ethics and Associate Dean of the Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University. A theologian, philosopher, legal scholar, and political theorist, he is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of over twenty books; his byline has appeared over forty times in scholarly journals. He holds a JD from UCLA and a PhD and an LLD from the University of Cambridge. www.garychartier.net 00:00:00 Introduction 00:05:45 Libertarianism 00:14:21 Christianity and The Nation State 00:24:31 Render Unto Caesar 00:32:55 The Politics of Jesus Christ 00:41:39 Violence 00:46:00 God and Anarchism 01:08:52 Christian Political Identity 01:21:17 Changing Views 01:23:37 Media Recommendations 01:29:40 Outro Thanks for listening! Please like, comment, subscribe, and share! --- If you'd like to see more anarchist and anti-authoritarian interviews, please consider supporting this project financially by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/nonserviammedia Follow Non Serviam Media Collective on: Mastodon kolektiva.social/@nonserviammedia Bluesky bsky.app/profile/nonserviammedia.bsky.social As well as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X/Twitter. Connect with Lucy Steigerwald via: mastodon.social/@LucyStag bsky.app/profile/lucystag.bsky.social x.com/LucyStag lucysteigerwald.substack.com
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    1 h et 37 min