In the last episode of Akashic Record Truths, Nicki & Jada discussed what a Legit Lightworker is and how to determine if someone is certified or not. What they didn't cover is what happens if you find yourself in the hands of a Lightworker who isn't Legit.
In this episode Jada and Nicki invite special guest Spiritual Leader Michele Smith whose family has first hand experience dealing with someone, who for years has been claiming to be a Healer and has profited immensely off of their pain and agony. Michele shares her own experience of how this person took her on as an "apprentice" and manipulated her into believing that she wasn't good enough to share her Gifts with the world without being attached to this person. Spirit connected Nicki and Michele and the first messaged channeled to Nicki was that she needed to break free from this person and start sharing because she was more than ready.
Michele is not the only one who has been effected by this persons ill will. She has convinced her clients that they are sick when they are not, building belief systems in people to manipulate them into ongoing treatment in which she has no abilities to prescribe or heal.
In this episode Nicki, Jada, and Michele talk about the effects that one can have on another when their motivations are out of alignment and they are providing services they are not fit to be providing.