
  • Ep 2: Knowing when to walk away
    Feb 6 2024

    They always say good things come to those who wait... and here we are! Back (only about 7 months later) with episode 2 on our Mother and Daughter Podcast of pure waffle.

    Today we are talking about knowing when to 'drop the rope' on relationships and friendships when they no longer serve you and getting over the new year blues, and let me tell you we are speaking from experience on this one).

    I hope you enjoy and thanks for listening ❤️

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    29 min
  • Ep1: Welcome to the family - Airing out pet peeves with each other
    Jul 7 2023

    This first episode really turned into a form of Mother and Daughter therapy as we finally got off our chests our pet peeves about each other. Once we popped we couldn't stop and they came THICK and FAST!

    I hope you enjoy listening to us lightheartedly air our worst traits and welcome to our crazy world! ❤️

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    25 min