• OCHS: Aftermath #323 - Scenestop #27 - Joshua's Parlor

  • Feb 8 2025
  • Durée: 9 min
  • Podcast

OCHS: Aftermath #323 - Scenestop #27 - Joshua's Parlor

  • Résumé

  • On Today's SceneStop we go to a place that on March 20th, 1988 was called Joshua's Parlor. A show was held there featuring INSTED, VISUAL DISCRIMINATION, HARD STANCE, NO FOR AN ANSWER and CRAZY RONN. I'm not too sure how many shows were held at this venue, but watch until the end when we reveal what kind of establishment it is today!These videos are part of an ongoing video series chronicling the hardcore punk music scene. They are an addendum to the film Orange County Hardcore Scenester. This is a documentary I made that chronicles the 1990s hardcore punk scene. You can watch ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ochsOr, pick up the Orange County Hardcore Scenester DVD here:https://revhq.com/products/evanjacobs-orangecountyhardcorescenester-dvdSubscribe to ANHEDENIA FILMS UNLIMITED and watch every Anhedenia Film as many times as you like for $2 a month: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/afunlimited#insted#visualdiscrimination #hardstance#noforananswer#crazyronin#westminster#westminstercalifornia #hardcorepunk#punkrock#orangecountypunkrock#orangecountyhardcore#ochs#ochardcore

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