The frequency of Om(‘Aum’) is exactly the same as the frequency of Earth’s rotation around its own axis. In a way, Earth is saying ‘Om’. Om is the sound of the universe.
In the 19th episode, come with me and delve into the insightful and intriguing science & philosophy of ‘Om’. 🌻
I am Hemangini Mandaliya, also known as The Hedonist Writer. I ardently believe that words have the power to change worlds and that is what I am striving for with this podcast.
Find me on Instagram and revel in new literature content at The Hedonist Writer
Get in touch with me at thehedonistwriter@gmail.com
“…And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them!” 🌻
Purchase my first poetry book ‘We Remember’ through the below link, You can also buy a signed copy with bonus goodies by sending me an e-mail. :)
Paperback: http://amzn.to/32enRGj
E-Book: https://www.store.bookleafpub.com/product-page/we-remember
Episode Art Cover: Image discovered through Google. All credits to the original owner.
Background Music: OM by Gaiea Sanskrit https://youtu.be/EiN-Q30LHcM