
  • COMM.UNITY (2) - One for All, All for One
    Feb 12 2024
    I present to you the concluding part of COMM.UNITY. In this episode, I highlight 5 components of U.N.I.T.Y that can sustain the community you can find yourself at any given time, whether at school, workplace, residential area, religious center, the nation, or even a family. Drop your comment after listening to it here on this page or via my WhatsApp line +234808 2091 293 or through email: ambassadorleyeadegboye@gmail.com Thank you 😊 💓
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    12 min
  • Be A.N.T.S Enough (Part 1)
    Jan 4 2024
    The ants are one of the tiniest creatures in the whole universe but there are a lot of lessons to learn from them. I have a challenge for you in this episode, for you to be a.n.t.s enough even as human beings, if you are going to make a good difference in life. "Go to the ants...consider its ways and be wise" (Prov 6:6 NIV)
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    12 min
  • Comm.unity (Part 1)
    Dec 5 2023
    A wise king once said, "...better a neighbour nearby than a relative far away" (Prov. 27:10b). You belong to a community every moment in life: workplace, religious centre, residential area, public square etc You have a role to play in that commuunity if you are going to benefit from the community. In this podcast, I discussed about some ingredients needed to make your community the best, and how you can get the best out of your community.
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    13 min
  • Fathers Are K.I.N.G.S (An excerpt of Fathers' Day sermon)
    Jun 22 2023

    Are you a father, a married man, or not yet married, or maybe you are not planning to?

    Do you know that as an adult male human being, married or not, a single man or single father, you are a king? Yes! You are a king and you have a dominion.

    However, as a man, who is a 'king' do you have these 5 attributes of a king; K.I.N.G.S

    In this special podcast to commemorate The Fathers' Day all over the world, I am sharing with you my esteemed listener the 5 attributes a father/man must have.

    Be blessed as you listen.

    You can reach me on +234808 209 1293

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    22 min
  • Good for Something
    May 27 2023
    You're a unique personality with a unique potential. There is no two kinds of you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by GOD. GOD made you so you can sweeten the earth starting from your family then to the society and the country and continent and the world at large. Don't loose your saltiness. You are a light to shine and dispel darkness. Don't loose your luminance. You are made good for something good! 🌟✨🌟⭐✨
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    11 min
  • Remove Those Gates/The King of Glory (A Sermon)
    May 5 2023
    🧐Interesting, the interpretation we give to Psalm 24:7-10! The gates and doors the Psalmist mentions in the Holy Scriptures (Psalm 24:7-10) do not really mean strong forces or strongholds or generational curses working against your life, progress... They are gates and doors you have put in place to shut out The King of Glory from reigning in and through you! Find out in this inspirational message. Be blessed.
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    26 min
  • Shine
    Feb 14 2023
    You are made a light to shine in this world anywhere, any day, any time. Wherever you shine darkness must depart. You are a city set atop the hill that can not be hidden. Arise and Shine your light!
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    8 min
  • A Healthy Heart
    Jan 12 2023
    Is your heart 💓 healthy? Not in medical terms now, but psychologically speaking. How healthy your heart is determines your disposition to life. It is quite interesting how the heart is symbolised with an image of love. Why is that? Listen to the podcast. Love you with my whole 💖
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    8 min