- Mike Lerario is the author of two books, “Leadership in Balance” and “Management in Balance”. He is a United States Army West Point Military Academy graduate and retired from the Army after a 23 year long career. He holds a degree in leadership and currently owns and operates Crispian Consulting in NC.
- Greg Walker is a Graduate of West Point Military Academy, is a former Army Special Forces Officer, the owner of Hatchet Brewing Company and is the CEO of Objective Arete.
- Chuck Ritter is a retiring Army Special Forces Sergeant Major who served 27 years in the military. He is the Director of Operations for Objective Arete.
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Website: www.objectivearete.com
X: @obejectivearete
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@ObjectiveArete
Embrace Adversity, Life with Purpose, Pursue Arete
Find Mike Lerario at:
email: mike@objectivearete.com
X: @mike_lerario
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-lerario-mld-343b994/
Live With Purpose, Embrace Adversity, and Pursue Arete!
Check us out at:
X: @Objectivearete
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