
  • Ep. 05: Skateboarding Talk and No Jp?
    Aug 16 2021

    Talking about Skateboarding Dee did as a kid with friends, try to call JP and no answer and a bunch of stories.

    Hosted by: Dee Rotten


    1. Ruptured - Up on a Rail (11:57)

    2. Ruptured - No Time (26:47)

    (From The Dungeon Tv Social Media Accounts) https://link.space/@FTDungeonTV All music is owned by the artist, and played with the artist consent. Recorded and edited by Dee Rotten

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    30 min
  • Ep. 04: Jp and Dee Rocking Out
    Aug 13 2021

    On this episode Dee Rotten and John Paul Casey talk about Arthur jp brother who passed away , we also talk about some great rap songs and answer some great questions and have an awesome guest at the end of the show.

    Hosted by: Dee Rotten & John Paul Casey

    Guest: Michelle (2:00:46)

    Music by..............

    1. The Undying Monster - Brundlefly (1:41:41)

    (From The Dungeon Tv Social Media Accounts) https://link.space/@FTDungeonTV All music is owned by the artist, and played with the artist consent. Recorded and edited by Dee Rotten

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    2 h et 15 min
  • Ep. 03: Ghost Stories and 10 Secrets Inside The Vatigan
    Aug 6 2021

    On this episode Dee Rotten and John Paul Casey talk about his haunted house he grew up in, and the hospitals around the area and some Vatican secrets.

    Hosted by: Dee Rotten & John Paul Casey ​​Music by…………​

    1. WitchMoon - Harvest Moon (1:08:15)

    (From The Dungeon Tv Social Media Accounts) https://link.space/@FTDungeonTV All music is owned by the artist, and played with the artist consent. Recorded and edited by Dee Rotten

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 12 min
  • Ep. 02: Low Life People and What They Do
    Jul 30 2021

    On this episode Dee Rotten and Luiz Cruz are jab blasting ppl who are trying to sell shit and make money on this crisis . Also we get into Luiz old school shows he played and ppl who were at the shows.

    Hosted by: Dee Rotten & Luiz Cruz (Son of a Mountain)

    Music by............ 1. The Human Extinction - Lax Talionis (1:01:15)

    2. Enox - Blame Shift (1:43:26)(From The Dungeon Tv

    Social Media Accounts) https://link.space/@FTDungeonTV All music is owned by the artist, and played with the artist consent. Recorded and edited by Dee Rotten

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 47 min
  • Ep. 01: Weed Stories and Growing up in Jersey City
    Jul 23 2021

    Dee Rotten and Luiz Cruz shoots the shit about growing up to weed stories to Luiz telling the best ending story you'll laugh and be scared at the same time. Hosted by: Dee Rotten & Luiz Cruz (Son of a Mountain) (From The Dungeon Tv Social Media Accounts) https://link.space/@FTDungeonTV All music is owned by the artist, and played with the artist consent. Recorded and edited by Dee Rotten

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 27 min