
  • Are we experimental enough?
    Nov 12 2024
    In the final episode, Dashi and Eray talk to Barbara Büchli, Head Business Excellence at Smart Infrastructure, about experimenting. Why do we want to be open to experiments at Siemens? Do we already create enough space for this? What do we do when experiments fail? Finally, Dashi and Eray also evaluate their podcast experiment and reveal whether and how it will continue after this final episode.
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    20 min
  • Good changes, bad changes
    Oct 31 2024
    In this anniversary episode, we talk to Charlotte Kalt, General Counsel at Siemens Mobility Switzerland, about what positive and negative changes are and what three yogurts that disappear overnight have to do with adaptability.
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    20 min
  • «I don't think that I have any superpowers. I'm just Gerd.»
    Oct 17 2024
    In episode 9, Dashi and Eray talk to Gerd Scheller, Country CEO Siemens Switzerland and CEO Siemens Mobility Switzerland, about superpowers, the topic of «collaboration» and in which areas it could be even better. Gerd also reveals who makes the decisions at home and what has been one of the most difficult experiences in his career to date.
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    18 min
  • Is empowerment already a reality at Siemens?
    Oct 3 2024
    In the eighth episode, everything is about empowerment. Is it all a matter for the manager? No, it also involves the team. Dashi and Eray talk to Roland Bischofberger, Head of Communications at Siemens Switzerland, about how a team setup can be designed, why empowerment and trust go hand in hand and how a culture of trust can be established.
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    18 min
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion – more than just a trend
    Sep 23 2024
    The seventh episode is all about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Dashi and Eray talk to the new Co-Diversity Officers Esther Kupferschmied and Yves Ecker about why it is important for companies to position themselves. They also reveal how they deal with criticism, backlash and hate comments and how they shape their role in dual leadership.
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    18 min
  • It's half time!
    Sep 10 2024
    In the sixth episode, Dashi and Eray enter into dialog with three guests in a special episode that was recorded in front of a live audience: They talk ethics with Sina Riedle, Head of Compliance at Siemens Switzerland, and Nico Kunz gives an apprentice's perspective on what generations can learn from each other. With Alex Senn, Head SI P&O, they talk about the global perspective and why feedback and speak-up culture pave the way for cultural change.
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    19 min
  • Growth mindset: Is it all just a matter of attitude or perhaps more?
    Aug 26 2024
    The fifth episode is all about further development. We talk to Susan Bregenzer, organizational development expert at Siemens, about what a growth mindset means, how continuous learning supports the transformation process and what the happiness hormone dopamine has to do with it. In the interview, Susan mentions that we need spaces for experimentation and trust. She therefore went on to share information about the Transformation Community at Siemens, which opens up such a space.Growth Mindset is researched by Carol Dweck. Susan shares how she lives and integrates this into her daily activities. An inspiring interview with Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset principles can be found here.
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    16 min
  • Everyone can be creative. But how?
    Jul 11 2024
    In the fourth episode, we focus on the topic of «creativity». With Tobias Eismann, founder of the Creativity Lab at Siemens, we find out why creativity is so important and how it can be trained like a muscle. And because Tobi comes from an area with the highest density of breweries in the world, we also discover lots of new beers.
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    16 min