The world is ending. The world is a wonder!
Two aristocrats and two hard-working citizens of the Dramark have taken on the burden and privilege of restoring Crowscroft Manor, a broken down estate thought by some to be haunted. While attempting to bring the manor out of its depressing state, the four must also navigate the complex and sometimes treacherous waters of "High Society" in the Dramark.
Introductions 0:00:00-0:02:00
Our Brilliant Ruin System Overview: 0:02:00-0:03:00
Episode Start: 0:03:23
Dinner at Amsdell: 1:13:00
First night at Crowscroft: 2:22:30
Featuring Rachel J. Wilkinson and Danny Ryba of Studio Hermitage, the team behind "Our Brilliant Ruin" and Mallo of TheMalloMan and Lauren of 95PercentLauren/Thousand Faces. GMed by Ethan of Go Buff Yourself/The Buff DM
The rules for Our Brilliant Ruin are available in their entirety online for free: