The Christmas season is about far more than trees, lights, and tinsel. It’s a fulfillment of prophecy and promise. On this third installment of "Jesus and the Prophecies of Christmas," we’re exploring the purpose of Jesus’ birth and what the Old Testament prophecies predicted hundreds of years before the nativity. There’s a reason the Christmas story has resonated and resounded for more than two millennia – it’s a story for every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. Skeptics and others often ask “why” — why did an all-powerful God want to send his own son to the manger and then ultimately the cross? We address that and more in this episode. Join Greg Laurie, Jeff Kinley, Ray Comfort, Jesse Bradley, Shane Idleman, and CBN's Billy Hallowell for this must-hear conversation. And on the next episode of "Jesus and the Prophecies of Christmas" — the finale airing December 23 — we’ll take a look at God’s promises to King David and we’ll jump back into the nativity story to see some of the other powerful and prophetic messages delivered to some key figures who don’t often get attention.