[RE-UPLOAD]Siskoid Cinema presents... On Borrowed Time, the show that explores time travel in movies. On this episode, Siskoid and DC Dave discuss 1993's Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day. It's the most iconic time loop movie ever made! Listen to the episode below, or subscribe to Siskoid Cinema on Apple or Spotify! This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/ Like our FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Credits: Bonus clips: "Groundhog Day" by Harold Ramis, starring Richard Henzel, Rob Riley, Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Stephen Tobolowsky Angela Paton, and Chris Elliott; and "Clouds" by George Fenton. Thanks for leaving a comment!