Growing up in a Township near Cape Town in the post-apartheid era, Julia-Beth Harris absorbed everything like a sponge. Now, as a 30-something poet, artist and writer based in Amsterdam, it's time for her vision to be shared. JB's reflections on identity, race and progress are rich and necessary. Her message is loud and clear: 'Change Happens in the Minds of People'. While we sip some tea, JB explains what Townships are (because really, do we know?). How "Black and Coloured people" were cruelly separated into different areas during apartheid, and how false conceptions impacted her sense of self as a young, dark skinned girl in the family. She speaks about the importance of education, about post colonial reparation and Black Lives Matter and how one creates change by just being present in the world. Also: there will be poetry! I'm so excited for everyone to hear JB's story. And it's just the beginning.