
  • #93 OTOH, Anthony Taylor, Catholic Bishop of Little Rock, Part 2, Feb 5 2025
    Mar 1 2025

    In this second part of our conversation with Little Rock Catholic Bishop Anthony Taylor, Glen and April explore with him how he deals with polarized congregations and other potentially difficult conversations with groups or individuals. One intriguing guideline he suggests following in such situations is to "will the good," an approach he explains in terms of religious and personal strategies. Anthony also provides insight into his views on navigating potential conflicts between religion and government, science, non-believers, and others. He also describes his thinking on dealing with religious extremists of various faiths, including those within Christianity. He ends with a story about the highly unusual circumstances of his entry into school as a first grader.

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    36 min
  • #92 OTOH, Anthony Taylor, Catholic Bishop of Little Rock, Part 1, Feb 5 2025
    Feb 24 2025

    April and Glen welcome the Bishop of the Little Rock Catholic Church, Anthony Taylor, on our podcast. In this first part of our conversation with Bishop Taylor, he provides us with insight into early influences on his religious and moral values, which include a family history of persecution during the holocaust. Anthony also draws a distinction between the laws of government and religion, the latter of which he describes as a "higher law." Anthony's explanations of how Catholic teachings and traditions emphasize the common good are explored in several specific examples from the Catholic faith. He also highlights his long history of working with the Hispanic community, as well as his and the church's views of immigration as a human right.

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    30 min
  • #91 OTOH, Kate Tandy, Bridge USA founder at UA, part 2, 1-31-25
    Feb 17 2025

    In the second part of our conversation with UA student and founder of the local Bridge USA chapter at the university, Kate Tandy speaks with April and Glen about various barriers encountered by her fellow students, including some surprising difficulties that reflect the dramatic changes in communication that pose challenges for young people only familiar with the current, largely digitized communication system in our country. Kate shares some of the issues that she sees as energizing young adults politically, as well as her choice to have hope for the future, despite several discouraging elements currently facing her generation and the country.

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    27 min
  • #90 OTOH, Kate Tandy, Bridge USA founder at UA, part 1, 1-31-25
    Feb 11 2025

    #90 OTOH, Kate Tandy, Bridge USA founder at UA, part 1, 1-31-25

    Glen and April welcome University of Arkansas student Kate Tandy, who founded the UA Fayetteville branch of Bridge USA, a national organization of college students who are working to build bridges across the political divide with youth in higher education settings. In this first part of our conversation, we hear about how Kate came to have a strong interest in politics and how she eventually acted to form a chapter of Bridge USA in her university setting. Among the matters we discuss in this part of the interview, we learn how Kate came to her current political views, which differ significantly from those with which she was familiar growing up in her family. She also describes her values that help her maintain close, positive relationships with family members and others, even when significant political differences are present. She then begins with us an exploration of possible generational differences she sees as relevant in understanding the divisions in our society.

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    31 min
  • #90, OTOH, Preston Clegg, Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Little Rock, Part 3, Dec 9, 2024
    Jan 28 2025

    In this final, 3rd part of our interview with Preston Clegg, Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Little Rock, Glen and April learn more about Preston’s views regarding the importance of living and talking about a positive alternative to the negatives he sees in society. Using key points from author Parker Palmer, Preston talks about the need for more public spaces and opportunities for citizens in our society, even allowing that “more pubs” could be one part of that expansion of public opportunities. Continuing his emphasis on living Jesus’ Great Commandments, Preston provides advice that he also as consistent with Braver Angels’ approach to addressing political polarization, stating: "we can't speak the truth to people who we don't love" and "If we don't learn to love sinners, we'll find it hard to find anyone to love." Preston would most like to be remembered in a manner consistent with what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated based on the parable of the Good Samaritan: not merely helping folks on the side of the road who are in need, but also tending to the road and what about that road led to so many roadside casualties. We conclude our interview with a personal story he tells about how a Black pastor he once spoke with changed his life and his world view in 45 seconds.

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    37 min
  • #89, OTOH, Preston Clegg, Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Little Rock, Part 2, Dec 9, 2024
    Jan 19 2025

    In this second of three episodes, April and Glen talk further with Preston Clegg, Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Little Rock. Preston goes into some detail about his concerns with Christian nationalism and the negative impact associated with this view. He sees significant inconsistencies with what he feels the Cristian message calls us to do, and he describes several of those concerns. Preston explores the potential for negative impact of following that extreme and distorted version of Christianity on our culture and politics. In a broader way, he sees all of us as being constantly “catechized” or influenced in society through our culture. Such an environment makes it tough to change peoples' views solely through a couple of weekly visits to church. One key approach to countering that potentially negative or misguided influence is for each of us to focus on and practice “the good,” modeling a positive alternative to the negative elements in our society.

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    23 min
  • #88, OTOH, Preston Clegg, Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Little Rock, Part 1, Dec 9, 2024
    Jan 13 2025

    In this first of 3 parts of our interview with Dr. Preston Clegg, pastor of the 2nd Baptist church in Little Rock, Glen and April explore with Preston his life experiences, values, and his active work in the community. Preston is an active advocate for racial justice and for loving treatment of all members of the community, especially those who are vulnerable. Because of the values that he sees as essential to the Christian faith, Preston describes his ministry as "to summon people to higher ground." Preston also explains how his congregation is not part of the more widely recognized Southern Baptist branch but rather is affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Using the Christian great commandments as his inspiration, Preston traces how this requirement of radical love led to his current political views. An important observation for Preston is how too many in Christianity these days are becoming "entangled" rather than engaged in the world, which can cause difficulty in lovingly speaking out on political matters. As a result, he strongly advocates an appropriate separation of church and state and in speaking truth to those in power.

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    30 min
  • #87, OTOH, Joni Lee, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs & Chief Government Relations Officer, at UA Little Rock, Part 2, Dec 5, 2024
    Dec 26 2024

    April and Glen continue their conversation with Joni Lee, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs & Chief Government Relations Officer for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, in this second part of their interview with Joni. April and Glen hear how Joni emphasizes relationships in her work, though her efforts have recently become more difficult, as many in government have become more motivated by tribal or party considerations in their decision-making and sometimes seem less amenable to respectful and open discussions. The current difficulties of finding compromise on many issues are worsened by partisan or external threats, which may lead them to vote counter to their values or beliefs. In some ways, she sees political struggles as having moved from a win/lose to a life/death perception in their intensity. Nevertheless, working in a political arena requires respect for the influence of power. Joni describes her ways of coping and persevering in her efforts, which include her faith, a willingness to listen, and a commitment to civility and respect. Joni offers advice for avoiding polarizing behavior in interactions with others, as well as offering suggestions for how citizens can become involved in positive ways that make a contribution to society. Finally, Joni recounts her family’s joking about her frequent visits to “old stuff” when viewing historic sites in DC. Those visits, however, help her to maintain hope in the resilience of our American system, which has experienced many prior struggles, yet continues to survive.

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    35 min