
  • Episode 1: Clement's Quest
    Jun 26 2024

    Embark on Clement's philosophical journey in ancient Rome!

    In this thought-provoking first episode:

    🤔 Clement grapples with existential questions and the nature of the soul

    🏛️ Explore the limitations of philosophical schools in ancient Rome

    📣 Discover the spreading news of a miraculous preacher in Judea

    Episode highlights:

    - Clement's internal struggle with mortality and the afterlife

    - The frustration of seeking truth through philosophy

    - The arrival of Christian teachings in Rome and Alexandria

    - Barnabas' eyewitness account of Jesus' miracles and teachings

    💡 Quote of the episode: "From when I was young, I was caught up in these thoughts. I wanted to learn something definite, so I started going to schools run by philosophers. But all I saw there was people setting up ideas and then knocking them down."

    🔑 Key takeaway: The search for truth and meaning can lead us on unexpected journeys, challenging our preconceptions and opening new paths of understanding.

    🔮 Sneak peek: Next time, we'll delve deeper into Barnabas' firsthand experiences with Jesus and the early Christian movement!

    Join us on this fascinating exploration of early Christian history and the quest for spiritual truth!

    #AncientPhilosophy #EarlyChristianity #SpiritualJourney

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    11 min
  • Episode 2: Clement Meets Barnabas and Peter
    Jun 27 2024

    Discover the power of true prophecy and the journey to faith!

    In this episode:

    🎙️ Peter shares wisdom on the importance of the true Prophet

    🧠 Explore the challenges of finding truth in a world of conflicting philosophies

    👥 Meet Clement, a seeker of truth who finds guidance in unexpected places

    🔮 Uncover the upcoming debate with Simon Magus

    Episode highlights:

    - The role of the true Prophet in revealing God's will

    - How false teachings and societal influences cloud our understanding

    - Clement's transformative encounter with Peter and Barnabas

    - The importance of testing and recognizing a true Prophet

    💡 Main Quote: "Without Him, it's impossible for people to be certain about anything."

    🔑 Key takeaway: True knowledge and faith come from recognizing and following the teachings of the authentic Prophet.

    ⏭️ Sneak Peek: Tomorrow, Peter faces off against Simon Magus in a battle of ideas!

    Join us on this captivating exploration of early Christian teachings and the search for divine truth!

    #SecondChristians #PreteroCanonic #PreNiceans #PropheticWisdom

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    16 min
  • Episode 3: The Debate with Simon Magus Begins
    Jun 28 2024

    Uncover the Wisdom of Peter: Prophecy, Truth, and Early Christian Teachings

    In this enlightening episode:

    🔮 Peter shares profound insights on the role of the Prophet and the nature of truth

    ⚖️ Explore the concept of God's justice and the immortality of the soul

    🔄 Discover the pattern of opposites in creation and human nature

    👥 Meet Justa, a convert with an inspiring story of faith and healing

    Episode highlights:

    • The importance of timing and receptiveness in teaching spiritual truths

    • Why true knowledge can only come from the Prophet of truth

    • The rule of prophecy and the order of opposites in human history

    • Justa's journey from non-believer to dedicated follower of the faith

    💡 Quote of the episode: "Only the Prophet can declare the truth, just like only the sun can bring daylight."

    🔑 Key takeaway: Understanding God and truth requires guidance from the Prophet, not individual speculation or philosophy.

    🎧 Next time: Hear the shocking revelations about Simon Magus from Justa's foster sons!

    Join us on this fascinating exploration of early Christian teachings and the foundations of faith!

    #PropheticWisdom #EarlyChristianity #DivineTruth #SpiritualGrowthge

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    18 min
  • Episode 4: The unmasking of Simon Magus
    Jun 30 2024

    Unmasking Simon Magus: The Deceptive Sorcerer

    In this captivating episode:

    🔮 Dive into the mysterious life and powers of Simon Magus

    👥 Explore the testimonies of Aquila and Nicetas, former associates of Simon

    🤔 Discover Peter's insights on true miracles vs. deceptive magic

    Episode highlights:

    Simon's origin story and his rise to power through magic

    The shocking revelation of Simon's child sacrifice for dark magic

    Peter's wisdom on discerning between helpful miracles and harmful trickery

    The importance of understanding opposites in God's plan

    💡 Quote of the episode: "The signs you say Simon did are useless. Making statues walk, rolling on burning coals, turning into a dragon or a goat, flying in the air - all these things don't help anyone. They're just meant to trick people." - Peter

    🔑 Key takeaways: 1. True miracles are meant to help and heal, not to deceive or impress. 2. Understanding the pattern of opposites can help discern truth from falsehood

    🔮 Sneak peek: Next time, join us as Simon faces off against Peter in a battle of wits and miracles!

    Join us on this thrilling journey through early Christian encounters with magic and deception!

    #SimonMagus #EarlyChristianity #TrueMiracles

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    13 min
  • Episode 5: True and False Scriptures
    Jul 5 2024

    Uncover the hidden truths and divine wisdom in Peter's teachings!

    In this episode:

    🕊️ Peter shares insights on God's plan and divine providence

    📜 Explore the concept of false scriptures and their purpose

    🧙‍♂️ Learn about Simon Magus' deceptive tactics and how to counter them

    🙏 Discover the true nature and attributes of God

    Episode highlights:

    - The importance of trusting in God's plan, even when faced with setbacks

    - How false scriptures serve as a test of faith for true believers

    - Strategies for addressing controversial passages in religious texts

    - Peter's teachings on the qualities of the one true God

    💡 Main Quote: "If you truly believe the world is run by God's good plan, you won't get upset by things that happen. You'll understand that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what that reason is right away."

    🔑 Key takeaway: Discernment is crucial when interpreting scriptures, as some passages may have been altered to test one's faith and understanding of God's true nature.

    ⏭️ Sneak Peek: Next time, Peter delves deeper into the stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and other biblical figures, separating truth from fiction!

    Join us on this enlightening journey through early Christian teachings and the foundations of faith!

    #SecondChristians #PreteroCanonic #PreNiceans #DivineTruthDiscernment

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    13 min
  • Episode 6: Preparing for the Debate with Simon
    Jul 5 2024

    Uncover the battle against false teachings in early Christianity!

    In this episode:

    🛡️ Peter prepares for a debate with Simon Magus

    📚 The dangers of misinterpreting holy books

    ❤️ God's love and justice in salvation

    🧠 The importance of discernment in spiritual matters

    Episode highlights:

    - Simon's plan to challenge the concept of one true God

    - The role of lies in holy books as a test of faith

    - God's approach to forgiveness and punishment

    - The power of repentance and its limits

    - The unique blessing of humans and their relationship with God

    💡 Main Quote: "Nothing happens unfairly, and even the lies in the holy books are there for a good reason - to test people."

    🔑 Key takeaway: True faith requires discernment and gratitude, not just knowledge of holy texts.

    ⏭️ Sneak Peek: Next time, witness the public debate between Peter and Simon Magus!

    Join us as we delve into the challenges faced by early Christians and the timeless wisdom of Peter!

    #SecondChristians #PreteroCanonic #PreNiceans #SpiritualDiscernment

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • Episode 7: Debating Simon Magus - Part 1
    Jul 5 2024

    Uncover the secrets of true prophecy and divine wisdom!

    In this episode:

    🔜 Explore the nature of true prophecy and its distinction from false predictions

    🧠 Delve into the concept of the one true Prophet and His perfect knowledge

    ⚖️ Examine the duality of male and female prophecy in early Christian thought

    🌟 Learn about the spiritual consequences of following false teachings

    Episode highlights:

    - The characteristics of a true Prophet and the continuous presence of the Spirit

    - The danger of accepting false prophets and their inconsistent predictions

    - The symbolic representation of male and female prophecy in early Christian theology

    - The spiritual implications of adultery and its connection to false teachings

    💡 Main Quote: "Our Master didn't prophesy like this. As I said before, He had the Spirit with Him all the time, knowing everything always."

    🔑 Key takeaway: True prophecy comes only from the one true Prophet, who possesses perfect knowledge and foresight at all times.

    ⏭️ Sneak Peek: Next time, we'll explore Peter's confrontation with Simon and his followers in the courtyard!

    Join us on this fascinating journey through early Christian teachings and the nature of divine wisdom!

    #SecondChristians #PreteroCanonic #PreNiceans #TrueProphecy

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    7 min
  • Episode 8: Debating Simon Magus - Part 2
    Jul 5 2024

    Uncover the truth behind early Christian teachings and the power of prophecy!

    In this episode:

    🎙️ Peter debates Simon Magus on the nature of God and Scripture

    📜 Explore the authenticity of biblical texts and their interpretations

    🧠 Discover how to discern truth from falsehood in religious writings

    🔮 Witness Simon's dramatic exit and his influence in Tyre

    Episode highlights:

    - The importance of understanding God through creation

    - How to recognize true prophecy and divine knowledge

    - The role of Jesus as the true Prophet and interpreter of Scripture

    - The dangers of misinterpreting religious texts

    💡 Main Quote: "It's impossible to find saving truth without His teaching, even if you look for it forever where it's not. But it was, and is, in the word of our Jesus."

    🔑 Key takeaway: True understanding of Scripture comes from aligning interpretations with the teachings of Jesus and the nature of creation.

    ⏭️ Sneak Peek: Next time, we'll explore Simon's miraculous deeds in Tyre and their impact on the growing Christian community!

    Join us as we delve deeper into the foundations of early Christian thought and the battle against false teachings!

    #SecondChristians #PreteroCanonic #PreNiceans #ScripturalDiscernment

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    23 min