
  • Jonathan Character
    Jan 10 2020

    Jonathan Character a covenant child growing into a covenant man.

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    12 min
  • Jan Prorok
    Jan 10 2020

    I started as a depressed kid and went downhill from there until I found myself at the very gutter of religious Satanism. But God was gracious to me and dragged me to the cross of His Son. And I went downhill from there again, this time into compromise and fornication. But God was gracious to me again and dragged me out of it. And I went downhill again, trying to be good enough to be saved. But God was gracious to me and has been dragging me ever since, closer and closer to His glorious truth and to greater faithfulness. I could be rightly awarded the Professional Against-the-Goads-Kicker Award, but my heavenly Father loves me faithfully, and therefore I am, by the grace of God, Kingdom-Driven.

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    29 min
  • Jack Campbell
    Jan 10 2020

    Testimony of Jack Campbell

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    21 min
  • Robert and Rachel Hoyle
    Jan 10 2020

    Testimony of Robert and Rachel Hoyle

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    47 min
  • Dan Knopp
    Jan 10 2020

    I started out as a kid in a large Catholic family and wasted my first twenty-five years on aimless pursuits. Then my eyes, ears, and brain matter were opened to undeserved saving grace, and not long after that a new life would enter my heart. But wait, there’s more! Add years of dispensational aimlessness, yet more years rejecting that but without an answer to it, finally in my ’50s finding faith in a King that rules over every aspect of life in Heaven and on Earth here, now, and going forward, and a once aimless life now has purpose and direction.

    This story scratches the surface, with the intent to keep it short and family-friendly. Mature minds will fill in the details, or feel free to contact me with comments or questions. All glory to God.

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    29 min
  • Shelby “Gramps” Luke
    Jan 10 2020

    As a reflection, Christianity is faith in action. The sphere in which we live is where we work, and there is plenty to do everywhere. Covenantal thinking affects every area of thought and life and your worldview does matter because you will live your life accordingly. We have a welfare state because the church has shirked its responsibilities, forfeiting to the state what WE, as the church, should be doing. I remember what R.J. Rushdoony said, “History has never been dominated by majorities, but only dedicated minorities who stand unconditionally on their faith.”

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    35 min
  • Jeffery Fish
    Jan 10 2020

    From the all too typical American story of love that is not found on the Truth of God’s Word, my parents tried to build a family apart from a covenant with God and wound up divorcing after 23 years of marriage when I was 11. With no real Christian influence in my life, I turned to the world and the things it has to offer for my fulfillment. Though there was always a vestige of belief in “God” (whoever that was) and had an awareness that He might be real, the life I lived proved that the god I believed in didn’t care so much about me living for Him, but for gratifying myself.

    Through the false pride in my own goodness that came from comparing myself with others, to the lies, the affairs and much betrayal, God proved that He is so much bigger than the absolute wrecks we can make of our lives and of other’s lives. But, if He wants you as His, He’ll bring you to the place that you know that all that matters is living for and serving Him in the Earth for the rest of your life. From a godless pagan to a new creation in Christ Jesus, I was created for good works which God created beforehand, that I would walk in them. May His Kingdom fill the Earth.

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    40 min
  • Gordan Runyan
    Jan 10 2020

    A classically drunken sailor, always itching for a fight, encounters the living Christ. Raised as a clean, well-mannered church boy, he hid dark secrets while claiming to be a Christian. Then Jesus showed up, broke off his chains, and changed his uniform, enlisting him in a different, militant force.

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    20 min