This week on Rookie Pirate Radio, Jon Negroni and Travis Hymas discuss the latest chapter of the One Piece manga, titled “Scopper Gaban.” One Piece 1140 is currently available to read for free on Viz.
We want your feedback! If you have any questions, corrections, or your own theories and speculation, you can either email us ( or join our Discord, where we have a special channel devoted to all things One Piece spoilers. We’ll be back to discuss the next chapter after it comes out, but in the meantime, be sure to subscribe to Rookie Pirate Radio on your favorite podcast app, so you can stay up to date on all our releases.
Extra Credits:
Our intro music is a remix version of “Overtaken” from the One Piece anime, cut together by Jon Negroni. Our podcast artwork is by Jon Negroni. Travis Hymas is the Anime & Manga editor of InBetweenDrafts, and Jon Negroni is the Film Editor of InBetweenDrafts. Our recap of One Piece 1140 is based on the English translation of the manga, courtesy of Viz. In case you didn’t know already, Eiichiro Oda is the creator of One Piece. Plus, we’re not just a One Piece podcast by the way! If you have a manga or anime you’d like us to cover or mention on the show, definitely reach out.
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