
  • 2024 Business Review - ALL my income, podcast, and email stats
    Jan 7 2025

    You’re nosey?

    ME TOO!

    I love reading other people’s business reviews, especially when they get right into the nitty-gritty number-crunching stuff.

    So I thought hey, why not do one myself?

    Turns out it’s a bit scary, putting it all out there 😳

    But *deep breath* here’s my 2024 business review - all the numbers PLUS what I'd do differently if I could do it all again.

    Listen in to this episode, and check out the blog post for photos, screenshots, and extra good stuff.


    It’s my first year of this business (after earning online since 2007, and solely from digital income streams since 2015).

    It was also a very busy year in many other ways – travel, part-time work, premmie goats, and all sorts of other stuff has kept me very much occupied.

    But I think I still managed to make pretty good progress, and I tell you all about it here.

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    23 min
  • Beta testing my online course - ALL the details
    Dec 27 2024

    Now, this episode is a little different to normal - instead of giving an you overview of what I've been doing in my business over a couple of weeks, I'm digging RIGHT into one very big thing I did over a couple of months.

    Beta testing my new online course - get all the details here

    When most people create an online course or digital product, they create the entire course and then try to sell it.

    In many cases, the course isn't very successful. It might be a good course, but that doesn't mean that people will buy it.

    And it's because it's been created without feedback or input.

    A beta test is a way of ensuring that you create a course that people actually WANT.

    It has three overall steps

    1. Research and plan out the course
    2. Presell it, to make sure people will actually pay for it
    3. Create it along with your group of testers

    Beta testing also provides accountability, because you've committed to create the course, to a timeline, for paying customers!

    If your beta test goes well, you can be fairly confident that you have a product that will sell well - people have already bought it, and their feedback and input along the way will ensure it's tailored for your customers.

    Plus, you get paid to create, and your testers can provide testimonials and case studies for your brand-new product.

    Sound great? It IS great! That's why I've been doing it since 2017.

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    30 min
  • I'm back! Here's what I did on my 'break'
    Dec 15 2024

    I said I was taking a 4 week break...4 months ago 😳 And while I seem to have disappeared, I've been doing a LOT behind the scenes - bundles, summits, AND beta-testing a new online course. Listen in for all the details! Plus, check out the blog post here for all the links and full transcript.


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    10 min
  • Launch & promo results PLUS wrapping up
    Aug 25 2024

    It was a big few weeks for me - I had a lot to do to catch up with this podcast and finish off a few other things before I start my job.

    So of course, I got sick 🤒

    But I still managed to get the essentials done, including finishing the Beyond Productivity launch, doing a couple more Business Idea Reviews and producing two summit workshops.

    While catching up this podcast, which was a little behind reality!

    But I'm all ready to focus on my new job now for a few weeks. I'll see you once I have that under control.

    Check out the blog post for links, transcript, and all the details.


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    10 min
  • I got a REAL job - WHY?! 🤔
    Aug 18 2024

    This update is a little bit different to normal, because it's not really about online business at all. It's about me taking a real, in-person, paid-by-the-hour nursing job. WHY? Why would I do such a thing when I love online business so much?! I talk about my history with nursing, my new nursing job, and how it fell into my lap at exactly the right time. Get all the details and transcript here. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/real-job-why-podcast/

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    10 min
  • Launching my first PAID course - Master Your Minutes!
    Aug 11 2024

    I had a course-production binge over the last few weeks and actually finished, tested, and low-key launched my productivity course, Master Your Minutes.

    Check it out here. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/master-your-minutes/ It feels so good to have a paid evergreen product available! And considering my promotion has been VERY minimal, I'm very happy with the results so far. I talk about my un-scary approach to launching evergreen products, how it works really well for me with my time constraints, and why a stepped approach to launching might be good for you. I also missed something RATHER OBVIOUS that a subscriber was kind enough to point out to me so I could fix it. It happens! 😳😆 Check out the blog post for all the links, transcript, and extra good stuff. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/launching-my-first-paid-course-podcast/

    Note: Master Your Minutes was originally called Beyond Productivity.

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    10 min
  • Hitting full course creation mode (using Parkinson's Law ⌛)
    Aug 4 2024

    Check out the finished Beyond Productivity course here - https://businessinyourbackpack.com/beyond-productivity-homeschool-parents/ Along with finishing the work of moving back into a house after two years of travel, I've been working hard on my productivity course...because I have a deadline. I have to get it finished, reviewed, and set up ready for its contribution to a bundle, AND I also want to have it ready to offer as a tripwire for ANOTHER bundle that the Business Idea Blitz is in. So I've spent more hours than I want to working on the course, but I'm really glad I have. Parkinson's Law can be leveraged to help us! and I talk about that in the course. Want to see some of those animals we collected rather quickly? Check out the blog post for cute pics, along with all the links and transcript. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/online-course-creation-mode-podcast/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min
  • 💪Challenge accepted! I'm committing to making FAST business progress
    Jul 28 2024

    Let's just say that moving into a house (and then needing to furnish that house after travelling for 2 years) can replace a LOT of work time! But in good news, our sight unseen house turned out to be pretty good, so our gamble in renting it before we even saw it worked out well. In between our settling-in activity, I've decided that it's time to get serious with my business and throw myself into making paid products (because it's not a business unless I actually make money, right?) So I've committed to taking part in a couple of events that give me a VERY short time frame to get a lot done. Challenge accepted! Get all the details and links in the blog post. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/challenge-accepted-podcast/ Want to start your own online business? Your first step is a great idea - take my Business Idea Blitz to find yours. https://businessinyourbackpack.com/your-successful-online-business-idea/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min