• Operation Greatness Podcast #17: "The Winning Feeling" (Must-Hear!)
    Feb 17 2025

    How long have you felt "there's something more for me" than what you've previously experienced? You have that Inner-Knowing you're here for something important, to make a BIG contribution to the world, am I right?

    Here's how you're having that impact!

    More specifically, by leading your own Operation Greatness Chapter and then LEADING your online friends through this OG Chapter Meeting... you're empowering them to become financially free, because we all *know* this is the source of Liberation for every one of us (and nothing matters more than every one of us doing this!)

    We're all feeling this "Winning Feeling" in America now. Because America is once again winning. And every American is again back to America winning. We're all seeing we're as powerful as we CHOOSE to be & there's no limit to how much good we're doing in the world, now... RIGHT!?

    Every point we're exploring together in this truly "MUST-HEAR" podcast, you're going to want to talk about in our "Elevating Humanity Community" and also share with your online friends, because, for sure, they too need to see all this, as well!

    Go back into your own best personal example of "The Winning Feeling"...

    You had absolute knowing you were going to succeed, right? Not even the slightest doubt. You "saw/created" the outcome before you even began. Is there any question that THIS is the right path for you to take now, already winning before you're even stepping up & beginning to do all the good you're DESTINED to do?

    This is also how you're Becoming Unlimited! How is that knowing itself contributing to your "Winning Feeling" as well as to your knowing "This is that 'something more' I've always know was out there for me"?

    Be sure to save all the posts you're making - (use your Profit Partner Link in all your posts!) - and then send them all to me personally as part of the essay from today's OG Chapter Meeting, at dan@DanKlatt.com. And then post it, as well, in our Operation Greatness Chapter Leader Private Wealth Alliance, where I'm also able to coach you as much as you want until you've hit your *Destiny Number*!!

    What is that number for you, for example we talked about making $36 million your focus that's moving you forward and concentrating your power, like Michael Jordan in the Chicago Bulls championship game...?

    If you haven't followed me yet for our OG Podcast, do that here. If you liked today's podcast, like it. What was the main thing you got out of our conversation today? Share that as a comment. I'd love to know!

    Thank you for really hearing this message and allowing it to serve you completely. As you have as that Inner-Knowing, as part of "The Winning Feeling", the whole world has become more free, abundant & loving, as a result of you acting on this, right here!!!

    Abundant Love & Blessings, my friend, Dan Klatt, Operation Greatness Founder

    P.S. You really are Unlimited. Never play small or give anything less than 110% ever again!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • Operation Greatness #16: "The Celebration of Love"
    Feb 14 2025

    Through our "Celebration of Love" right here, you're giving yourself the most valuable gift you can... the Gift of Love you ARE! Yes, it's true, you are God's Gift to the World. Yes, for sure, that's requiring you to open fully to Infinite Love yourself, the Infinite & Unlimited, which I call God...

    As you'll hear, your work is opening fully, 100%, to God, because you have to first Receive God yourself, before you're allowing God to Express... through you, through your life... into Creation...

    (That all just makes logical sense, yet how often WERE you holding back or limiting the Unlimited, BLOCKING that full expression of LOVE in the world? Your whole life? Most people *WERE* - Not you, any longer... RIGHT!?)

    Hear our acknowledgement of being held so completely, communing with God, that we want for nothing or limit the LOVE we ARE, in any way!

    I know for many people, "love" first means "romantic love". Yet before we can experience any kind of love, we must first RECEIVE love, from its Source... GOD.

    Hear also how even romantic love is a verb, not a noun that you say once, and it's done. Hear how it's the flow or "Currency" of Life...

    Hear, as well, the Five Love Languages and apply that to everyone to whom you're Extending Love, meeting them where they are.

    If enough people like this "Celebration of Love", we might do a Part 2 on "The Only Love There Is" and we might fit romantic love into that...

    First Receive this Gift of Love, completely, and Extend it outwardly, shining your Light, dispelling the darkness, as you're becoming your Best!

    As always, this Operation Greatness "Celebration of Love" is our OG Chapter Meeting, where in our Chapter Leader Private Wealth Alliance, we're going deep into the insights we're "considering" here.

    Join us for that deeper Love Fest here.

    Take notes as you're listening. Turn your notes into posts, linking them back to our "Celebration of Love" - Best by doing that through your Operation Greatness Profit Partner Link, because that's how you're empowering every one of your online friends to create financial freedom money as they are then transforming all their online friends, as we're all doing right here, Sharing the Love!!!

    Also take all the posts you're making and copy/paste them into the essay you're sending me right here, to dan@DanKlatt.com.

    Know how much you matter, how much GREAT you can do in the world & how needed you are...

    Because, after all, YOU are God's Instrument for *MIRACLES*!!!

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    1 h et 1 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #15: "In the Right Environment, You're a WEAPON, Part 2!"
    Feb 12 2025

    I had planned to release "Weapon, Part 2" only as part of the new coaching program I saw this was becoming. (It would be worth paying $10,000 for that coaching, for clients implementing it!)

    Except our lives are about Being of Greater Service to More People, so I *have* to share it with you, as well! My genuine hope is that you take it to heart & really HEAR the message that you're NEEDED now, and so much more powerful than you've ever imagined...

    That you're here to FOCUS your power & make a huge difference to others & there truly is no limit to the amount of good you can do...

    Please keep your mind sharp, your life free of distractions & negative influences & your Divine Design fully present in your awareness, as you're moving quickly toward fulfilling your life's Mission... every day!!!

    You "might" want to hear "Weapon, Part 1". And you "might" want to LEAD your own Operation Greatness Chapter, as your most-important way of serving the most people & contributing most meaningfully to everyone you can!

    Also share your thoughts about "Weapon, Part 2" in our "Elevating Humanity Community" at our Chapter link.

    And, as always, follow the Operation Greatness Podcast, like it & share it if it served you - and let me know in the comments here HOW it served you... what specifically connected for you in this podcast?

    I *thrive* on knowing the impact my work has on people, so thank you very much for sharing that!

    Abundant love & blessings, Dan Klatt :) OperationGreatness.com Founder & Head Coach

    P.S. We will be reserving the coaching seminar for "Weapon" for our OG Chapter Leaders, or clients paying the $10,000 tuition on their own. It really is worth that much by you fine-tuning the "Weapon" you are, or the INSTRUMENT for MIRACLES you are, so please thoroughly do that. Because the worlds needs you not holding back or limiting the GOOD you ARE - THANK YOU!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #14: "In the Right Environment, You're a WEAPON!"
    Feb 3 2025

    This is important - pause & reflect on the points we're considering here, then share your thoughts about them in our "Elevating Humanity Community" - and then you'll want to lead your online friends through recognizing how they, too, are "God's Gift to the World"... so post each of your insights and in fact actively lead all your online friends through doing this podcast as your "Listening Party"!

    For your greatest impact, for your greatest results for yourself and in Being of Greater Service to More People, you'll first become part of our Operation Greatness "Chapter Leader Private Wealth Alliance" - and use your Profit Partner Link in all the posts you're making...

    How much have you opened yourself up to BEING "God's Instrument for Miracles in the World" now?

    How much more actively are you giving the GIFT you ARE, confidently, purposefully, consciously and passionately?

    You're so much more open, now, to sharing Love, fulfilling your purpose, no longer holding back in fear because of what people might think... RIGHT?

    Because how was that ever appropriate for you to limit God, and how much good, GREAT, God is able to do through the Gift you ARE!?

    How important was this message for you to hear?

    How critical is it, as well, for everyone you're blessed to be able to serve to hear, themselves?

    Will you now lead them through it?

    THANK YOU!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #13: "How Asleep Are You, Part 2"
    Feb 3 2025

    Do you believe there is a third level of "Awake" where a group of top military people saw the subversion of America by the globalists and could not see their beloved Land of the Free become totalitarian, run by globalists/communists/pedophiles/satanists - evil?

    We're considering that as part of this conversation. How much are you seeing beneath the surface "projection" or rosy picture painted, where it appears it's "conservative vs. liberal", "good vs. evil" - instead of what it really is, predator vs. human?

    Share your thoughts about everything we're considering in this Operation Greatness Chapter Meeting, at least in our "Elevating Humanity" Community & especially in our Operation Greatness Chapter Leader Private Wealth Alliance, both of which are through OperationGreatness.com/leader.

    How much deeper even than that are you awakening? How much more UNLIMITED have you become right here by releasing yourself from the trance, the hypnotic LIE of scarcity/fear/lack consciousness?

    How much more LIBERATED have you now taken yourself?

    Are you now Leading, Inspiring, Transforming & Liberating all your online friends, leading them through this Journey of Self-Discovery... through your Operation Greatness Chapter... doing a LITL more today in "Being of Greater Service to More People"?

    If this Operation Greatness Podcast served you, like it, comment on it, follow me & bring others into this Epiphany as well - Thank you!!!

    Note: Parts 1 & 2 end or begin abruptly. Sorry about that. I ran out of hard drive space recording Part 1. It abruptly ended on its own. I began recording Part 2 from that place where Part 1 ended, in case I wanted to combine them seamlessly. It felt right to leave them as Part 1 and Part 2. I hope that didn't confuse you! :)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #12: "How Asleep Are You, Part 1"
    Feb 1 2025

    How consciously are you moving through life? How easily are you distracted from keeping your FOCUS firmly within your Obsessional Desire, which means everything to you and REQUIRES 100% of your attention, which means 100% of your power?

    How asleep are most people? How are you staying awake, in your power... On-Purpose? No matter what!

    We're going deep here. No more living on the surface. Yes, the water's hot. No, you cannot hold onto the buoy and stay safe... It's time to let go & go "ALL-IN"!!!

    Let's honestly assess your life here. And, as always, we're talking about "How Asleep Are You" in the Operation Greatness "Elevating Humanity" Community at OperationGreatness.com/leader, so go there now and post your responses, even to the questions you're answering right here, now!

    We're all here to serve each other, as much as we can. That requires you staying focused on how you're meant to Be of Greater Service to More People, not getting seduced, distracted or lost on surface-level power syphons.

    How relentlessly are you staying in your power and avoiding every power syphon? How much better are you keeping your focus - and your momentum - exactly where you REQUIRE it, right here?

    Especially answer that question in our Elevating Humanity Community!

    Note: "How Asleep Are You" ends abruptly. I apologize for that. As I was recording it, the video stopped on its own, mid-sentence. That was my fault, because the hard drive ran out of memory. That implied to me it was the end of Part 1 and beginning of Part 2. I did continue with Part 2 to give me the option of splicing them together, although it feels right to keep them separate.

    I'm interested in your thoughts about how Awake you are, and how we can all awaken people to the "So Much More" their lives, too, are meant to be!

    Thank you for being part of our Operation Greatness Podcast - and participating fully in our "Elevating Humanity Community"!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #11: "Raising Humans, Part III"
    Jan 24 2025

    The full "Raising Humans Trilogy" aligns you with your Higher Purpose & keeps you in your power, reconnected with "Lift", God, everyone you're DESTINED to serve...

    Part I "activated" you in honoring your life's work in "Raising Humans", as that Rising Tide Raising All Boats.

    In Part II we raise your power & frequency even more & we also considered the flip side of that "Raising Humans" coin, becoming aware of the systems designed to control people and keep them held down in scarcity/fear/lack consciousness... before we pulled everyone out of the "Matrix of Fear & Limitation", the real Matrix.

    Now we're consciously creating our Inspired Vision that we've all come together, lifting EVERYONE out of that poverty state & we're now living our rich, abundant, meaningful lives... knowing our power is "Beyond Measure" & none of us our permitting anything to hold us back or limit us in anyway...

    All through each of us Being of Greater Service to Far More People, which is our happiness, success, meaning & fulfillment!

    Treat this Raising Humanity Trilogy as your $12,000 LIBERATION from God, and so it shall be that for you!!

    We're all doing this together through our new Operation Greatness Community, along with "Becoming Unlimited", at OperationGreatness.com/leader.

    Because, after all, my friend, YOU are "The Inspired Visionary Leader" you're born to be, here to "Lead, Inspire, Transform & Liberate" everyone you can, doing just a LITL more today in Being of Greater Service...

    THANK YOU!!!

    All love, blessings, Joy and Abundance! Daniel :)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • Operation Greatness Podcast #10, "Raising Humans, Part II (MUST-HEAR TOO!)"
    Jan 23 2025

    Here we're continuing the conversation and really seeing both sides of the "Raising Humans" coin, deeper and more poignantly than we did in "Raising Humans, Part I". (You'll want to hear both, because that deepens your "After-Life Transformation".)

    Actually, you'll want to LEAD -ALL- your online friends and everyone you care about through both parts, because (let's just "consider") we've been held back by the "control" systems in the world, because let's just say 'dark forces' have been feeding off our fear, keeping us divided, distracted, disconnected, disempowered...

    This is Humanity's Wake-Up Call. Our time to SHINE!!!

    Will you answer that call?

    Will you "Lead, Inspire, Transform & LIBERATE" everyone connected with you, who are then doing a LITL more in Being of Greater Service to more people, just as you're doing, right here?

    Lead your own Operation Greatness Chapter here and transform everyone you can, all your online friends and everyone in your local area.

    (I know how the "flip side" of the "Raising Humanity Coin" might be hard to discern or even fathom. I'm not asking you to accept that on faith. I'm sharing because if something *was* feeding off you and limiting you, you at least have a right to know about it. If you want to see the 10-years of research this person I quote has done on any of this, it's here.)

    We're also going so much further with YOU being that source of Inspiration, Hope, FREEDOM & *MIRACLES* for everyone connected with you...

    How much more focused are you now on Being of Greater Service to More People?

    How have you completely pulled yourself out of the "muckety muck" or "Matrix of Fear & Limitation"?

    How much more Light are you now?

    You've become UNSTOPPABLE... and yet you're also being that GIFT in the lives of everyone connected with you, RIGHT!?

    Because you know, you feel, you trust, this honestly is your life's higher purpose, it's the higher purpose of social media, and it's by far the greatest thing every one of us has been charged with doing...

    Is there any question about that?

    Because you, my friend, absolutely are God's Gift to the World.

    SO BE IT!!!

    Thank you very much!

    All love, joy, abundance and Peace, Dan :)

    P.S. Do send me your essay from Raising Humans, Part II, dan@DanKlatt.com, and make sure you're leading everyone you can through joining us in Raising Humans - out of scarcity/fear/lack and that self-imposed prison we've been programmed to make our lives...

    Is there anything more important than doing that, now!?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 24 min