The full "Raising Humans Trilogy" aligns you with your Higher Purpose & keeps you in your power, reconnected with "Lift", God, everyone you're DESTINED to serve...
Part I "activated" you in honoring your life's work in "Raising Humans", as that Rising Tide Raising All Boats.
In Part II we raise your power & frequency even more & we also considered the flip side of that "Raising Humans" coin, becoming aware of the systems designed to control people and keep them held down in scarcity/fear/lack consciousness... before we pulled everyone out of the "Matrix of Fear & Limitation", the real Matrix.
Now we're consciously creating our Inspired Vision that we've all come together, lifting EVERYONE out of that poverty state & we're now living our rich, abundant, meaningful lives... knowing our power is "Beyond Measure" & none of us our permitting anything to hold us back or limit us in anyway...
All through each of us Being of Greater Service to Far More People, which is our happiness, success, meaning & fulfillment!
Treat this Raising Humanity Trilogy as your $12,000 LIBERATION from God, and so it shall be that for you!!
We're all doing this together through our new Operation Greatness Community, along with "Becoming Unlimited", at
Because, after all, my friend, YOU are "The Inspired Visionary Leader" you're born to be, here to "Lead, Inspire, Transform & Liberate" everyone you can, doing just a LITL more today in Being of Greater Service...
All love, blessings, Joy and Abundance! Daniel :)