
  • 057 La hora del cuento - Serenata a la selva - 057 Storytime - Jungle Serenade
    Jun 3 2024

    Koko, una talentosa tocadora de ukelele, regala un ukelele a un joven chimpancé llamado Congo y le enseña a tocarlo. Años más tarde, sus caminos vuelven a cruzarse y Koko invita a Congo a actuar junto a él en el Bungalow de Bambú, lo que marca el comienzo de una extraordinaria asociación musical que difunde por todas partes edificantes serenatas selváticas.

    Koko, a talented ukulele player, gives a young chimpanzee named Congo, a ukulele, and teaches him how to play the ukulele. Years later, their paths cross again, and Koko invites Congo to perform alongside him at the Bamboo Bungalow marking the beginning of an extraordinary musical partnership that spreads uplifting jungle serenades far and wide.

    YouTube Video of this Podcast: https://youtu.be/8we3audfvV4

    Baritone Ukulele by Ranch, Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/4auPjN2 Kit Includes, at at the time of this video, Baritone Ukulele 30″, microfiber polishing cloth, extra Set of D G B E Aquila premium metallic & nylon strings, padded bag, digital tuner and a strap. extra Set of D G B E Aquila premium metallic & nylon strings, padded bag, digital tuner and a strap.

    Ranch website to Baritone Ukulele by Ranch: https://ranchguitar.com/product/baritone-ukulele-ranch-30-inch-professional-ukelele-instrument-kit-for-adults-beginners-and-professional-players-ukalalee-starter-pack-bundle-gig-bag-tuner-strap-adjustable-tool-set/

    Link to Ranch Website for a wide assortment of Ukuleles: https://ranchguitar.com/

    Ranch Guitar Tuner Clip On for Acoustic/Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Violin, Bass, Banjo & Chromatic Tuning Modes, Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/4bsNu4E

    Book: Hal Leonard Baritone Ukulele Chord Finder, Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/3Kb54OC

    Online Music Teacher on Fiver, Andrea Nortje: Fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/andreanortje? YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@janedoestudio Teaching Ukulele, Baritone Ukulele, Bass and Guitar.

    Music Attribution for Ukulele Music: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain: https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/

    All Four Ukulele Tunes are by Monplaisir:

    Title: Time Gap Artist: Monplaisir Length: 01 minute 55 seconds Source/Artist website: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monplaisir/ License: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain

    Title: Stay Quiet Artist: Monplaisir Length: 02 minutes 13 seconds Source/Artist website: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monplaisir/ License: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain

    Title: Red Hair, Blue Sky Artist: Monplaisir Length: 02 minutes 16 seconds Source/Artist website: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monplaisir/ License: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain

    Title: Sincere Love Artist: Monplaisir Length: 01 minute 41 seconds Source/Artist website: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monplaisir/ **License: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain

    website: https://oportuno.org

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might affiliate links. If you use an affiliate coupon code and/or click on an affiliate product link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.**

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    34 min
  • 056 Hora del Cuento - Faro de la Isla - Storytime - Island Lighthouse
    May 11 2024

    Esta historia ilustra cómo los actos de amabilidad, por más pequeños que sean, pueden crear conexiones auténticas con otros, conduciendo al descubrimiento, la amistad y la comprensión. La narrativa se desenvuelve alrededor del Faro Les Eclaireurs, situado aproximadamente a 5 millas náuticas al este de Ushuaia en el Canal Beagle del Sur de Argentina, América del Sur.

    This story illustrates how acts of kindness, no matter how small, can create authentic connections with others, leading to discovery, friendship, and understanding. The narrative unfolds around the Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, situated approximately 5 nautical miles east of Ushuaia in the Beagle Channel of Southern Argentina, South America.

    Video Version of this Podcast Episode on the “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/jODrQj_g0xw

    Attribution for Harmonica Music: Renzo Cheesman on Fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/renzoch96?

    website: https://oportuno.org

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might have affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click an affiliate link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

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    11 min
  • 055_Hora del cuento - El viaje de Django hacia la generosidad - Storytime - Django’s Journey of Giving
    Apr 20 2024

    Una historia sobre la transformación del desorden material en la riqueza de la conexión humana que ilustra cómo los actos de bondad pueden mejorar el mundo. "Django's Journey of Giving" es un cuento que te inspirará a encontrar tesoros en la unión y la aventura.

    A story of the transformation from material clutter to the riches of human connection illustrating how acts of kindness can improve the world. “Django’s Journey of Giving” is a tale that will inspire you to find treasure in togetherness and adventure.

    Link to video version of this Podcast Episode: https://youtu.be/p76UQxMMzCY

    Attribution for Harmonica Music: Leon van Egmond for Harmonica Tunes in this Podcast Episode. Leon van Egmond on Fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/leonvanegmond?

    website: https://oportuno.org

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click on a product link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

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    10 min
  • 054 Hora del cuento - Sinfonía de serenidad - Storytime - Symphony of Serenity
    Apr 8 2024

    La historia de un violinista solitario que vivía sencillamente en el bosque y cuya música, sin saberlo, tocó innumerables vidas. Sus melodías inspiraron a otros a tocar, demostrando que seguir tus sueños, incluso en el aislamiento, puede marcar una profunda diferencia. Como dice el refrán: "El verdadero legado del trabajo de una vida no se mide por la fama o la fortuna, sino por las invisibles ondas de inspiración positiva que pone en movimiento."

    A story of a solitary violinist living simply in the forest, whose music unknowingly touched countless lives. His melodies inspired others to play, showing that following your dreams, even in isolation, can make a profound difference. As the saying goes, "The true legacy of a life's work is not measured by fame or fortune, but by the unseen ripples of positive inspiration it sets in motion."

    Video Version on the “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/mSULVMCa2D4

    Music Attribution: The Two Violin Compositions in this Podcast Episode, entitled "Kalinaw" (Cebuano/Filipino word that means "peace", "calmness", or "tranquility") and “Takipsilim” (Filipino word that refers to the twilight or dusk period) were composed by Dominique Casacop, who can be contacted at the Fiver url shown below: https://www.fiverr.com/domc123?

    website: https://oportuno.org

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    18 min
  • 053 La hora del cuento - El regalo de una flor - Storytime - The Gift of a Flower
    Apr 5 2024

    El regalo de una flor se remonta miles de años atrás, a civilizaciones antiguas como Egipto, Grecia y Roma. La práctica de regalar flores ha evolucionado con el tiempo, pero su significado subyacente como gesto de afecto, aprecio y celebración sigue profundamente arraigado en la cultura humana. Esta es una historia moderna de alguien que regala una flor a otra persona.

    The Gift of a Flower goes back thousands of years back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The practice of giving flowers has evolved over time, but its underlying significance as a gesture of affection, appreciation, and celebration remains deeply ingrained in human culture. This is a modern day story of someone giving another person a flower.

    Video in English, of this Podcast Epsisode on the “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/U-3_IS62w-4

    website: https://oportuno.org/

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might have affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click an affiliate link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

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    5 min
  • 052 Hora del cuento - Viaje armonioso - Storytime – Harmonious Journey
    Jan 24 2024

    La historia "Harmonious Journey" (Viaje armonioso) es un relato de descubrimiento musical y tutoría. Un joven, llamado Enthusiast, conoce a un viejo y experimentado viajero, un extraordinario intérprete de armónica, llamado Balladeer, y comienzan a viajar juntos. A lo largo de su viaje, Balladeer enseña a su protegido Enthusiast a tocar la armónica. La armónica se convierte en un instrumento para la música, la canción y la narración.

    The story "Harmonious Journey," is a tale of musical discovery and mentorship. A young man, named Enthusiast, meets a seasoned old traveler, an extraordinary harmonica player, named Balladeer, and they begin to travel together. Along their travels, Balladeer mentors his protégé Enthusiast on how to play the harmonica. The harmonica becomes an instrument for music, song, and storytelling.

    Video of this Podcast on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OEsqfWfQtUg

    Flipbook of Harmonious Journey: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/4dc0b8b2f0.html


    Attribution for Harmonica Music:

    Renzo Cheesman for Harmonica Tunes 1 to 12 played at the end of the Podcast Episode. Renzo Cheesman on Fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/renzoch96?


    Leon van Egmond for Harmonica Tunes 13 to 22 played at the end of the Podcast Episode. Leon van Egmond on Fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/leonvanegmond?


    website: https://oportuno.org

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might have affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click an affiliate link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

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    52 min
  • 051 - La hora del cuento. - El viaje de los sabios errantes - Storytime. - The Journey of the Wise Wanderers
    Dec 29 2023

    El viaje de los sabios errantes es una historia sobre tres viajeros que encuentran la libertad y la sabiduría a través de sus aventuras, a pesar de tener pocas posesiones. Comparten sus experiencias a través de poemas, cuentos y canciones, recordándonos nuestro anhelo universal de libertad, calor y la belleza de la vida, incluso en tiempos difíciles. The Journey of the Wise Wanderers is a story about three travelers who find freedom and wisdom through their adventures, despite having few possessions. They share their experiences through poems, stories, and songs, reminding us of our universal longing for freedom, warmth, and the beauty of life, even in difficult times.

    YouTube Video of this Podcast Episode: https://youtu.be/kJVRrnYs83I

    Flip Book of “The Journey of the Wise Wanderers”: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/36991117be.html:

    website: https://oportuno.org

    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description might have affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click an affiliate link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

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    9 min
  • 050 - La riqueza del minimalista - The Minimalist’s Wealth
    Dec 27 2023

    La lectura del libro "La riqueza del minimalista" explora la idea de que la verdadera riqueza no está en el exceso de cosas, sino en la riqueza de la familia, los amigos y la paz interior. The Reading, of the Book, "The Minimalist's Wealth" explores the idea that true wealth is not in the excess of things but in the richness of family, friends, and inner peace.

    FlipBook del libro "La riqueza del minimalista" FlipBook del libro "La riqueza del minimalista": https://heyzine.com/flip-book/d25b632299.html

    “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpbH-1R-lQcwB1qgdjcxYorGBvEdQQEDE

    “Oportuno” Podcast: https://oportuno.org/podcast.html


    Below are a few of the many books you may wish to read, with the Bible, being the most purchased and read book in the world. Some of the links, might have Affiliate Links, where I receive a small commission with no additional cost to you.

    The “Bible”. The Holy Bible is a compilation of revered texts penned by ancient prophets and historians. Over a span of more than 4,000 years, these authors meticulously documented the intricate relationship between God and His people. The inspired narratives have been passed down through generations, shaping what we now recognize as the sacred scripture, the Holy Bible. The Bible is considered the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated 5 to 7 billion copies sold and distributed worldwide. There are many places and options to obtain a Bible. Below is a link to Bibles on Amazon, in the King James Version: https://amzn.to/3MHHxpZ

    "Biblical Minimalism: Following Jesus from a Life of Abundance to a More Abundant Life" by Cheryl E. Smith https://amzn.to/3QKf448

    "Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind, and Soul" by Ruth Soukup https://amzn.to/3ML52i6

    "The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own" by Joshua Becker https://amzn.to/3SELShG

    "Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul" by Bill Hybels https://amzn.to/46quQHu

    "The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify" by Francine Jay https://amzn.to/3ugKwj8

    "Living with Less: An Unexpected Key to Happiness" by Joshua Becker https://amzn.to/3SKRfvM

    "The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life" by Joshua Becker. https://amzn.to/3QGgU63

    "Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living" by Becca Ehrlich https://amzn.to/3G3ciSJ


    website: https://OPORTUNO.org


    DISCLAIMER: To help support our channel to keep making videos, this video and description may have affiliate links. If you use a coupon code and/or click an affiliate link, I'll get a small commission with no additional cost to you.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min