Hey everyone, welcome back to the Mr. and Mrs. CEO Show! We've got a fun episode for you recapping the madness of our recent move! We hired some people to help transition us from the old to the new home and did we ever learn some valuable business lessons along the way. Grab a coffee and join us for this casual chat about the importance of customer service and managing expectations!
Topics Covered:
- We moved at the end of June and are still settling in, dealing with unpacked boxes and a messy garage. It’s been quite the adventure!
- During our move from hiring movers to dealing with furnace repairs, we’ve seen a wide range of customer service quality, and we’ve got stories to share.
- Our moving experience with a local franchise taught us the importance of managing customer expectations and clear communication.
- Whether it’s movers or plumbers, how service providers present themselves and respect their customers’ homes makes a huge difference.
- How these moving experiences influence our approach to building our own franchise and ensuring top-notch customer service.
The customer should get all the information to make the best decision! Managing client expectations and communicating clearly is key to running a successful business, especially when franchising!
Until next time, check out our book “Awkward Family Dinners”, you can find it right here!
Connect with Mr. & Mrs. CEO!
Darren Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darren.hiebert/
Kim Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimberley.hiebert/
Darren LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenhiebert/
Kim LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberleyhiebert/
Website: https://www.mr-mrs-ceo.com/
Door Gurus: https://doorgurus.ca/franchise
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