Friends! I am so excited to share today's episode and guest with you. A very "take back your body" project-inspired conversation between myself and DC area artist and family photographer Mel Worthington.
In the episode we chat: —reasons we both have avoided having our photo made/putting ourselves out into the world —what constitutes a "good" photo? —and most of all, how can we subvert the BS that keeps us thinking our worth/beauty is linked to how we look? how can we see ourselves as whole and worthy now?
To connect with Mel, check out her website and say, "hi!" to her on Instagram by following
If you're not already, you can follow my work online and if you want to learn more about being supported in some radical self-acceptance work through the art-making process, click here to learn more about plugging in to my Take Back Your Body project!
Looking for the images we're discussing in today's episode?? Click this link to visit a substack post where I've shared images from today's conversation!