
  • What to do when facing Health problems after 40
    Feb 10 2023
    If you believe that your body gets worst after 40, that is totally wrong. You will learn what it takes to feel better and what proper action you need to take that will lead you to your goal. You will also have the opportunity to get to know your host and what services she's offering to support your goals. It is the best way to get informed before your sign up for programs. And we hope this podcast will satisfy your curiosity and answer all your needs in a wonderful and beautiful way. To learn more visit: www.welcomeyourdream.com
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    25 min
  • The road that leads to happiness and freedom
    Feb 17 2023
    If you are looking for love, health, peace, vitality, intimacy, and success, you are in the right place. Keep listening. What you are going to learn today has a lot of benefits and rewards to enhance the quality of your life. If you trust the process and have the courage to take action, you will improve your feelings of worthiness, self-esteem, self-respect, accomplishment, authenticity, joy, and freedom, and the only door into a pain-free future.
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    25 min
  • Feeling good again after being stressed
    Feb 24 2023
    If you feel tired, depressed, have difficulty losing weight, your sleep is disturbed and, you feel overwhelmed, you are probably stressed or burned out. Stress is a huge burden on your body. When you’re producing the stress hormone cortisol, it’s very difficult to lose weight, and you often develop stubborn fat around the middle of your body. Serotonin eliminates cortisol and it’s produced when you start to relax. Hot baths, laughter, great sex, and delicious food enjoyed slowly, are all great places to start. But first… Let's explore what are your stressors. And you will learn what to do to get back to yourself and restore your well-being.
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    26 min
  • What can Sugar do to you and how to stop craving it?
    Mar 2 2023
    Sugar was once called ‘the white death’. Today the consumption of sugar in the world has grown massively. Sugar is, perhaps, the most addictive substance on the planet. The excessive consumption of sugar is causing the blood glucose roller coaster and is having a detrimental effect on your immune system. Many people are addicted to bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, chaa·kluts, soft drinks, snacks, and other foods made from flour, sugar, pu·tay·towz, and other processed carbohydrates. ‘Everybody is eating them’, and most of them don’t even realize that they are addicted to these foods.
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    33 min
  • How does your inner saboteur affect your life?
    Mar 16 2023
    Do you find it challenging to reach your goals? Are you procrastinating and you can’t get yourself start? Are you taking action but you’re not making the progress you want? If you're not moving toward what you want, you're probably self-sabotaging yourself unconsciously. This podcast is the first one of an upcoming series about self-sabotage, I am going to start by explaining what it means Self Sabotage and what is your inner saboteur. Whatever form it takes, whether unhealthy behaviors or limiting beliefs, self-sabotage always reduces the passion and energy you need to achieve your dreams. Self-sabotage is the result of your unsolved shame, anger, and unworthiness. You can’t fulfill what you want, success, love, and happiness if you believe deep inside that you don’t deserve it. Once you discover your inner saboteur and how it is operating in your life, you can finally transform your life and progress toward your goals with ease, trust, and determination.
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    16 min
  • Overcoming the scary world of emotions
    Mar 23 2023
    Do you know how many open doors and wonderful experiences you are missing out on? What if there are possibilities floating around you and you can't even see them or claim them because you are still affected by your past? Only when you free your authentic self, will you be able to get back your energy, your life force, and the passion to live happily again. Only when you meet your true self, will you be able to feel home, peace, and trust again. To do so, you need to overcome the scary world of emotions. Which is the subject of today. If you want to wake up in the morning energized, light, and free from fear, suffering, or pain, you need to accept that all the berried feelings that you tried to avoid, hide, suppress, ignore, or reject, are creating toxins in your life and in your body. Those toxins are affecting one or some or all the spheres of your life.
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    21 min
  • Have you considered your excuses?
    Mar 31 2023
    Do you feel like no matter how hard you are working to make your life great, no matter how much you have accomplished or how good you feel about yourself, there is still one area of your life where you feel powerless to create the success you deserve? If you examine this area, you will indeed find one or more excuses that have more power than your commitment to your goal. If you observe your previous successes, whether in your personal life or your career, you will notice that you didn't allow your excuses to stop you. You certainly had them, but you wanted to succeed so badly that you chose not to bite into them. You consciously or unconsciously chose to focus on your dream, you had a clear vision and you persevered to stay focused on your goal. You took the right actions and you never doubted yourself. You were living free from your excuses and justifications. Or at least, you choose not to pay them any attention. And the success made you feel proud and satisfied with yourself. You understand then… that living with a vision for your inspiring life is your best antidote to the chronic use of excuses and self-sabotage. Excuses are known as the back door that you leave open in case the chase of your dreams is challenging, and you want to escape. They are your attempt to sabotage yourself from fulfilling your goals and behaving in a responsible, powerful, creative way to honor your commitment to yourself. This podcast is the third episode of a series of podcasts about self-sabotage. I’m hosting an Online 2-Day Workshop on Overcoming Self Sabotage and I will remind you of the details, at the end of this podcast. So, keep listening.
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    19 min
  • How to access your own power?
    Apr 7 2023
    Do you feel lost and lonely sometimes? Do you lack confidence and focus to achieve your goals? Probably you are not trusting yourself enough and you are not accessing your own power. When you encounter your true self, you feel connected, and you access your own power. Which is the subject of today’s podcast. When you ask the outside world for guidance, it is a sign that you are not listening to your own truth. You are hoping for something outside of you to show you the way. What if there isn’t a specific way to find? What if the only way that matters is yours? Do you know how to find it? This is what you are going to learn in this podcast. So start listening.
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    17 min