Quick show of hands: who out there is struggling with their time management these days?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
This week on the podcast, I’m excited to introduce you all to my guest, bestselling author and Emmy award winning television producer Paula Rizzo. Her books, Listful Thinking and Listful Living, tackle the topics of list-making, stress, and productivity. With so many of us adapting to a new way of working and living right now, Paula is the perfect person to have on the show to share her insights about how to effectively use lists in both our professional lives and our personal lives.
“One thing I talk about is creating lists of feelings. How did you feel after you worked with that one client? How did you feel after you took that vacation? Were you actually less stressed, or were you more stressed? So, really tapping into what’s going on with you, how stressed out do you feel in different environments. List making can be used for that as well. It’s not only about to-do’s, it can help to create a less stressful environment.”
Paula, thank you so much for coming on the show! For those of you out there listening, if you weren’t already in the habit of list-making, I hope this episode has given you some food for thought. You can check out Paula’s books here. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I’ll be back next week with a brand new episode!