On this episode of the podcast, I have a live conversation with visual artist Matt Doll about art and faith. It’s a conversation that we got to have in front of a live audience of around 40 students. I found it energizing and inspiring, especially when Matt reads a poem part of the way through. Among the topics we discuss:
- The sometimes fraught relationship between artists and the church and how we can do better
- Why Christians may struggle with the arts
- The relationship of creativity and limits
- The process of making and whether it is more a matter of inspiration or "perspiration"
- What artists need to hear from or about the church and what the church needs to hear from or about artists.
Matthew Doll is a painter, graphic designer, gallery director, and has been the Program Director of the Gordon IN Orvieto semester program since 2011.
More from Matt: https://matthew-doll.squarespace.com/