
  • 002_003_cg23
    Jun 26 2023

    In this episode we recap our time at this years Codegarden 2023 and share our highlights of the event.

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

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    54 min
  • 002_002_exit_strategy
    Jun 12 2023


    • Kevin has released an OpenAI/ChatGPT connector for Translation Manager.
    • Lee got a Framework Laptop.
    • Matt has been busy preparing for CodeGarden presentations.
    • Butter Dish update, The Toaster Project.

    Exit Strategy

    • Matt has discussed Vendr's acquisition on umbraCoffee and Umbraco Community Office Hours, but Kevin wanted to dig deeper, was there an "exit strategy"?
    • Matt explains the acquisition process, (without breaking any NDAs).
    • How to value a business? EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation).
    • Is uSync for sale? Currently not.
    • Lee exited Umbrella (last year, 2022).
    • Handing down a web tech business to the next generation/descendants?
    • Exit strategies for open source Umbraco packages? uComponents, Nested Content, DTGE, any thoughts for Contentment?
      • Nested Content went into the Umbraco core.
      • Søren Kottal took over DTGE project.
    • Can open source packages be acquired?

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min
  • 02_01_opinionated
    May 30 2023

    Welcome back

    • New host, Lee Kelleher 👋
    • Vendr acquired by Umbraco.
    • uSync and Contentment in the Umbraco Package Hall of Fame.


    • Lotte Pitcher's Opinionated Umbraco Package Starter Template.
    • Paul Seal used Lotte's template on his Quick Blocks package.
    • Matt previously used NUKE Build, defining build scripts in C#.
    • Kevin talks about Razor Class Libraries with Umbraco Packages.
    • Lee mentions the use of SemVer - Semantic Versioning.
    • Nested Content's origin of "toggle gate", with a continued discussion and subsequent follow up.
    • Lotte mentions a Candid Contributions episode with Per Ploug interview about Umbraco democracy, revisit Season 1, Episode 10 "Open".
    • A historic thread about "Tab Gate".
    • Lee mentions a recent discussion on the Umbraco repo about ModelsBuilder's generated models.

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 5 min
  • 01_10_finale
    Sep 7 2021

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 1 min
  • 01_09_growth
    Aug 24 2021
    Things we did this week.

    Matt's workbench

    Vendr 2.0 rc - The mutlitargeted release candidate
    Translation manager v9 beta

    Graph QL
    • Hot chocolate
    • Channel9 - getting started with Hot chocolate
    Umbraco news

    Umbraco Monterro announcement
    Umbraco company information

    Poke 53280

    Sorry for the sound on Kevin's mic (it gets better when he calms down a bit). Recording last thing, not checking levels , messing about with settings 2 mins before starting. these are all now on our list of things not to do next time

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • 01_08_documentation
    Aug 10 2021
    Working on this week:
    • Kevin made uSync triggers : https://github.com/KevinJump/uSyncTriggers
    • and Matt released (but forgot to mention) the Vendr lite licence model: https://vendr.net/vendr-lite/
    Documentation tools
    • mkdocs  : https://www.mkdocs.org/
    • readthedocs : https://readthedocs.org/
    • docusaurus : https://docusaurus.io/

    The tool Matt is using to build his reference docs (with some custom code)  is Mono.Cecil : 

    • https://www.mono-project.com/docs/tools+libraries/libraries/Mono.Cecil/

    Kevin was showing his age,when he was talking about ndocs (& he said ngdocs) which is dead but sorely missed documentation generator for visual studio xml doc files. 

    • http://ndoc.sourceforge.net/
    • Sandcaslte is the Microsoft  project that replaced it, and if we are honest Kevin hasn't forgiven them yet to be able to objectively tell you if its any good.

    The command switch  /doc to turn on documentation was once again Kevin showing his age - this use to be a switch (or something like it), now it is automatically added when you tick XML Documentation file in your project configuration

    vale linter  
       - https://github.com/errata-ai/vale
       - Example of how UmbracoDocs uses vale https://github.com/umbraco/UmbracoDocs/blob/main/.github/vale-linter.yml

    Collapse comments - There isn't a built in shortcut 😞 - but there is an extension that adds one https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MattLaceyLtd.CollapseComments

    structuring your documentation

    What you don't tell you about documentation :   https://documentation.divio.com/

    UI Examples package / demo video

    UI Examples package
       - https://our.umbraco.com/packages/developer-tools/ui-examples/

    Video of Migration to Multi-targeted package
       - https://youtu.be/W9IvX9MmoMo

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 6 min
  • 01_07_licensing
    Jul 27 2021

    03:10 : Multi targeting packages

    09:40 : Matt talks about Konstruct (Fluidity)  https://outfield.digital/work/fluidity/

    Licencing :

    12:40 : Licensing & open source / commercial.

    15:30 : Open Source Licensing.

    • Open Source Licences   (https://opensource.org/licenses)
    • Stack overflow Open source has a funding problem. (https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/01/07/open-source-has-a-funding-problem/)
    • Server side public licences  

    24:10 : Commercial licencing.

    • Translation manager licence  (https://jumoo.co.uk/checkout/products/tm/licence.pdf)
    • Vendr Licence (https://vendr.net/licence-agreement/)

    30:00 : Licence Enforcement.  

    • Issues with playStation Master keys (https://hexus.net/gaming/news/ps3/47177-sony-lets-slip-playstation-3-master-key-oops/)

    38:10 : Source available licencing.

    41:30 : Finding an Umbraco "fingerprint" vs Domain licencing.

    51:03 : Polyform licencing.

    • https://polyformproject.org/
    • Polyform Shield  (https://polyformproject.org/licenses/shield/1.0.0/)

    51:20 : The size of Umbraco marketplace vs Volume sales tactics.

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • 01_06_release
    Jul 13 2021

    C# build tool - Nuke Build :

    Umbraco Nightly Feed :  

    Umbraco Release Candidate Notes :

    Vendr 2 Alpha :

    uSync 9 RC :

    uSync.Complete 9 Beta :

    Cypress - Browser testing :

    Umbraco releases and Long term support :

    Music from Uppbeat
    License code: D8SGCQHI1KO8DKKG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min