The year 2020 has been a year coloured by change. Changes in many ways have touched many people's lives. Paragons of Change is a series of interviews with people from boardgaming sphere whom I’ve noticed going through changes in recent times. We talk about change and what they have changed in their lives. By default we do not claim we state facts, we only talk from our own points of view and our opinions. As the discussion might take a negative note, we try finish with a positive – by giving you a Top9 list of games. The topic of the list has been chosen by the guest and we will have a “battle of the lists” after the episode airs in my social media channels – you, dear listener, are encouraged to comment and vote on the lists to see which one of us did better. The fourteenth Paragon in the series is the former minion of The Dice Tower and current US community manager of Mythic Games, Sam Healey! We talk about weather differences between the Northern and Southern US, Sam's time at The Dice Tower and his current job at Mythic games. Sam tells about his past a bit and we discuss on reviewing games as well as teaching and ponder the effects of the last year for the society and people. We of course finish with a top9 list of games with a hidden topic this time - you are able to guess it if you know Sam. Comments are welcome, hope you enjoy this bit and will be back for rest of the series. Voting for our Top9's will commence some time after this episode drops. Top9 starts at about 1:11:50 and the topic is for you to guess this time - you can do it! This episode is recorded 12th of February 2021. Thank you for listening! You can find Sam here: And Mythic Games at: The music used in this Series is Nightwalker by @Sentientpulse , Thank you! Sentientpulse – Nightwalker-sentient-pulse-1 By the way, I opened a Patreon. In case you have an interest in taking a look at what you'd get by showing some patronage, here's the link: . Comments are also welcome, especially on what you'd wish to get in return of you being a patron. Thank you for even considering clicking the link! Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media!ä-pelataan/id1390280287 Email: mitapelataanATgmail dot com