We went dark due to the paranormal activity becoming threatening and possibly harmful. I experienced things I never thought possible. The paranormal activity got violent not only while ghost hunting, but also while doing a Bigfoot expedition. The demonic activity lead to violent and physical harm towards me and others. We went dark to try and find answers to what was causing it and how to protect ourselves from it. Let me explain...
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Show tags: Deep Woods Paranormal, Haunted, Ghost hunting, Ghost, Paranormal, Paranormal research, Haunting, Haunted house, Dogman, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Poltergeist, Paranormal activity, podcasting, podcast, Haunted hospital, strange lights, Texas, abandoned, insane asylum, demonic, haunted Texas, Bigfoot research, Shadow person, cold spot, Orbs, entity, medium, unknown, manifestation, supernatural, ghostly, spectral, mysterious, psychic, ghost adventures, crypto creatures, ghost stories, ghost box, EVP recorder
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