Paranormal Gateway Paratalk.Tonight's guest is the captivating Linda Meris, author of the thought-provoking book *Hypocrisy vs. Mysticism, Wisdom, and Morality*. Linda’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Through profound paranormal encounters and divine interventions, Linda found herself channeling the spirit of one of the most iconic and provocative comedians of our time—Lenny Bruce.
In her book, she offers readers a glimpse into the spiritual realm, where Lenny Bruce’s wit and rebellious spirit still thrive. Through Automatic Writing, Linda communicates Bruce's reflections on his tumultuous past life, his fight against hypocrisy, and his undying belief in free speech. This work not only explores Bruce's legacy but also dives deep into themes of morality, love, and redemption, making it a timely and essential read in today's politically charged environment.
Join us as Linda shares the wisdom gained from her spiritual experiences, insights on channeling, and the powerful impact of past lives on our present and future.
To purchase her book go to Amazon. Available on Kindle and Paper Back (see link below). Thanks
Hypocrisy vs. Mysticism, Wisdom and Morality