In this message, Michael shares from the book of Ephesians chapter 3 about the glory belonging to Jesus in the Church.
God has an eternal purpose. According to Paul, this eternal purpose is what was being worked out in Christ in the cross. (Eph 3:11)
In a familiar verse in Ephesians chapter 3, Paul makes the statement that if God can do this— meaning accomplish the eternal purpose— that He can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask, think, or even imagine. (Eph 3:20)
We should ask ourselves, “What is God’s Eternal Purpose?“ (Eph 3:11)
Next, we should consider, “What is the glory belonging to Jesus that is to be seen and evidenced in the Church that is directly connected to God’s eternal purpose?” (Eph 3:21)
God has poured out His Spirit to resource His desires. Using Ephesians, Michael details aspects of God’s eternal purpose demonstrated by the Spirits power in the Church—
A. Redeeming Humanity - God will raise the dead - Humans will be recreated in the image of Christ
B. Brokering Reconciliation - God is reconciling the rebels - The body of Jesus is a broker of reconciliation C. Overthrowing & Exiling the Powers - The Church lives in the experienced freedom from the powers - The influence and inspiration of the powers is conquered and exiled from the hearts/minds & way of life of the Church.