What's up Big Wigs! Reporting to you live from a new studio! It's a bittersweet day as we said goodbye to Slickback studios (we love you Mike!) but onto a new chapter! It's only Bigger & Better guys. And you know why?! We MET THE QUEEN BETHENNY FRANKEL. It was just as SICK and INSANE as you'd hope. We saw her at a party and got to hang out and hey, we even made it to her Instagram. We're.. AT THE LEVEL! Also BIG ANNOUCEMENT We're doing a LIVE PODCAST RECORDING on March 5th at City Winery! Tickets Here. On this episode we also rival each other as we're Philly & DC born & raised, so Anna got to rub it in Dre's face that the Eagles won. Oddly enough, we wore each other's team's colors? A must see on our Youtube. We also discuss "Quietcations" (a new trend), Dre's charity event where she did impressions live onstage with Summer House stars & our fave Dorinda, and of course The Baldwin's new trailer on TLC. Hilaria drops in to discuss the show as well. It's a super fun episode and we're loving the new format! Are you?! Check out our clips on Instagram & Tiktok too.