
  • The Pet Crisis w/ Polly
    Feb 6 2025

    A Story Of Animal Rights: The Pet Crisis w/ Polly

    The second episode in this series is with Polly who is currently a journalist and editor for Plant Based News. She is also an animal rights activist and presents talks on the UK pet crisis. In this episode we talk about the benefits of vegan jobs, the pet crisis in the UK, as well as how to navigate these difficult conversations.




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    55 min
  • Bargaining for a pig's life w/ Calvin
    Jan 13 2025

    A Story Of Animal Rights: Bargaining for a pig's life w/ Calvin

    The first episode in this series is with Calvin who is an activist that, rather than shy away from the harsh reality of animal suffering, takes things into his own hands to demonstrate how change is possible. We talk about how his focus on animal rights has shaped his career, his experience occupying a gas chamber and trying to bargain for a pig's life, as well as the importance of raising a family with morality in mind.@calvinjaytee


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • A Story Of Animal Rights Trailer
    Jan 10 2025

    Passing Through A Vegan Door

    Season III

    A Story Of Animal Rights

    First episode 13.01.25

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 min
  • Ep.XVIII | a slap in the face | don't tell my parents yet... please | with Brad England and Giulia Stern
    Jul 7 2023

    At the start of season II, Brad was pretty new to veganism, and the idea didn't seem to resonate with him. Since then, it seems that episode was his slap in the face: a moment of realisation.

    In this episode, Brad, Giulia and myself talk about: upsetting your family; how veganism is the next political movement; how considerate animal welfare is; and how you can still be big and strong without meat and dairy. I hope this episode can help others who have recently had their slap in the face, but also bring veganism into someones view that wasn't necessarily looking for it... or wanted to. Thanks for listening, H x

    “A lot of people don't think about these things because they're not ready to."

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 16 min
  • Ep.XVII | future of food | creating a vegan world | with Charlotte Maurer (V-Label Representative)
    May 18 2023

    V-Label is an internationally recognised, registered seal for labelling vegan and vegetarian products and services. V-Label is also the first company that reached out to me and asked to be a part of Passing Through A Vegan Door.

    I recently sat down with Charlotte, the business development manager at V-Label, to talk about finding vegan products on the shelves, not missing the taste of a Kit Kat, arguments around veganism, and the future of our food systems. Thank you to Charlotte, and I hope you enjoy two vegans talking about something they care about.

    "It's nice working for something that's so close to my heart"

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Ep.XVI | activism | building a culture of civil resistance | with Daniel Kidby (cofounder of Animal Rising)
    Apr 27 2023

    On the 15th April 2023 the Grand National, an annual horse racing event, took place at Aintree Racecourse in the UK. Animal Rising attracted a lot of media attention for storming the tracks to prevent these races from happening. I recently spoke with Dan, the cofounder of Animal Rising, to find out why he thinks this is the most important thing to be doing with his time, why a British tradition should be stopped, and whether radical activism is the answer.

    We also talk about the environmental and ecological collapse of the home we live in, how the answer to the worlds problems lies behind our dietary choices, and how changing a lot of peoples minds is easier than changing the mind of just one person.

    Thanks to Dan, and to Animal Rising, and thanks for listening.

    "We’ve created a national conversation that’s led to millions of people reassessing whether they agree with horse racing for the first time in their lives."

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min
  • Ep.XV | cohabitation pt.2 | veganism is about planting seeds | with Callum Watson
    Apr 14 2023

    It’s been over half a year since me and Callum sat down and talked about our future plans of living together. He recently came to visit the Netherlands, so here’s cohabitation pt.2.

    We talk about living with people who share different moral values to each other, or maybe are at different stages in their relationship with food, trying different foods and why people see the world differently.

    “We shouldn’t be eating animals, I think that’s about the best you can do while you’re here”

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Ep.XIV | veganism = political movement | I’m really good at focusing on the doomsday stuff |
    Mar 30 2023

    This is the first time I've taken the time to reflect on the podcast, even if it's only for a few minutes. We recently surpassed 1000 downloads, so I thought it would be appropriate.

    Veganism is a political movement. Once we leave the idea of veganism being just a diet behind, I think we will start to see real change. Veganism is the answer to so many global issues from starvation to environment disasters. If I can show one other person how important veganism is, than this podcast is the greatest tool at my disposal.

    Thank you for listening, here's to the next 1000, H x

    "Every decision we make affects the person standing next to us"

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min