
  • Did You Think To Pray The RIGHT Way?
    Jun 28 2021
    How does Heavenly Father and Jesus expect from us in our prayer life? How should we treat The Lord's Prayer? What is the reward for prayer and for having the proper reverence in our prayer life? Join us for an exploration of prayer as shown in The Sermon on The Mount.
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    29 min
  • The Friends
    Jun 24 2021
    This talk explores the Phoenicians and how their rise and fall corresponds to the rise and fall of Israel, and how the Phoenicians influenced the entire region of people with the architecture and trade in high quality crafted goods.
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    20 min
  • "Alms? Alms For The Poor?"
    Jun 21 2021
    What does Jesus and Heavenly Father expect from us when it comes from our giving? What does true charity look like and how does God expect us to behave? What rewards await us when we give to those less fortunate than us?
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    15 min
  • Ethiopia or Arabia?
    Jun 17 2021
    The Queen of Sheba occupies only a few verses in the Old Testament Narrative. However, there is no concrete mention in the Bible of where she was from. Evidence shows she could have come from two places, Ethiopia or a part of Arabia that is now Yemen. Which place has the stronger claim? Join us to find out who has the stronger claim.
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    32 min
  • What Shall I Do About My Enemies?
    Jun 14 2021
    How are we to deal with our enemies? What does it mean to be "perfect?" Join us as we discuss how Christ expects us to do when dealing with our enemies as part of our continuing series on The Sermon on the Mount.
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    22 min
  • Revenge!
    Jun 7 2021
    Join us as we explore the topic of taking revenge. Is it right for us to "get back" at those who wrong us? What does Jesus say about it?
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    21 min
  • A Female Pharoh?
    Jun 3 2021
    Take a moment to learn about one of the few successful female Pharohs in Egypt's History. Hatshepsut was an innovator and trailblazer who ushered in an era of peace, prosperity, and artistic revival. Learn about her mysterious beginnings and end of her reign.
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    17 min
  • "I Swear!"
    May 31 2021
    Is it right to swear an oath? Does Jesus even want us to swear an oath at all? Are there times it is Biblically acceptable to swear an oath out? Listen to find out what Christ says about the swearing of oaths and what it means for our righteousness in The Kingdom.
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    20 min