
  • S6:E2- "Faith, College, and Freshman Year"- Leah Austin, Anna Mathis, and Carter Gaul- Tuesday, January 5, 2023
    Jan 5 2023

    Hey, y'all! The first year a student attends college or university (or one's "freshman year" as we say in America) is important for a myriad of reasons. It is also extremely vital for one's faith in Christ. Today, we are joined by three freshmen who've just completed their first semester at college: Leah Austin, Anna Mathis, and Carter Gaul. We talk about the tremendous experiences with God in their first semester and also places where they have struggled, doubted, and are asking new questions in their faith. It is wonderful conversation that I hope you can share with other students in your life . . . especially those preparing for college soon!

    We begin with an introduction (00:41), a prayer (04:17), our lunch menu (04:51), Leah Austin, Anna Mathis, and Carter Gaul (07:26 ), their stories of faith in Christ (08:58 ), how college helped them discover new and exciting things in their life with Christ (11:08), the biggest difference in their spiritual lives now they are in college (14:43), how college has hurt, challenged, or complicated their faith (18:07), ways the Church could have done better at preparing them for a life of faith in college (24:55), things the Church did right in preparing them for faith in college (27:38), have they found a congregation (32:57), what is different about coming back to their home congregation (36:27), advice for other college and high school students about faith in college (39:01), a final prayer (43:05), thank you (44:40), and a blessing (44:55).

    Menu for the evenings snack with Leah, Anna, and Carter:

    • Parisian/French Hot Chocolate from The French Cooking Academy with Kate and Stephane

    Further Reading:

    • "Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids" by Kara E. Powell and Chap Clark
    • Fuller Youth Institute
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    45 min
  • S6:E1B- Personal Update- Saturday, December 31, 2022
    Jan 1 2023

    Hey y’all, I told y'all I would be letting y'all know about some exciting personal news and why that caused this Season (Season 6 of the Pastor Brian Podcast) to be delayed. I’ve written the Board of Ordained Ministry of the Indiana Annual Conference and General Superintendent Trimble, and spoken with my District Superintendents in Indiana and here in Northern Illinois— and (in compliance with ¶353.1 and ¶353.2a of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2016) I’m prayerfully requesting a Voluntary Leave of Absence for Personal Leave to begin in the new appointment year of July 2023 . . .

    . . . As the Jones family we will still be at Gary, we are not leaving. This is where God has called us and where we can live out our call to proclaim the gospel so other’s may know Christ’s salvation. It is our family’s Church home and we love it here and most of all we love God— the one who we have completely trusted and led us here. In many ways it will be much like it was when we first came to Gary Church in 2010, we will attend, but I will be on pastoral leave and have no pastoral duties, except now, I won’t have four little ones running around, they are big, but still running around in Gary Youth! I am not giving up my orders or being a pastor. Simply, pastoring will not be my regular 9 to 5 job . . . just like many of you in your walk with Christ Jesus. I will continue my podcast ministry (producing the Gary Church Podcast and the Pastor Brian Podcast) as I feel that is something God has laid upon my heart continue and enlarge. So no worries, no more interruptions or delays with this season of Pastor Brian Podcast. I’m looking forward to what the future holds here! Most of all, I hope to live out the simple truth that God’s call of making disciples of Jesus Christ is constant, but it does not always look the same. I want to show that to my children, to you, and live it out with you as well. Thank you . . . you are loved by me!

    The music you hear is "We're On Our Way" by Purple Planet Music and licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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    6 min
  • S6:E1- The Rev. Dr. Amy Peeler- "Women and the Gender of God"- Tuesday, November 22, 2022
    Nov 23 2022

    Welcome to Season 6! We are so glad to be back with you as we pray and speak with other Christians which helps us grow in the Holy Spirit! We are excited to have a conversation with The Rev. Dr. Amy Peeler. Rev. Dr. Peeler is Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College as well as Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Church in Geneva, IL. We are also joined by her husband Dr. Lance Peeler (who will join us more fully in a bonus episode on love, marriage, calling, and ministry).

    Today we talk with Rev. Dr. Peeler about her new book “Women and the Gender of God.” It is an insightful and robust theological book that is amazingly accessible to every day readers! We will discuss God, gender, God's gender, women, and why all this has such a huge impact on our following Christ!

    We begin with a prayer (00:41), our lunch menu (01:38) and Amy's own story of faith in Christ (03:11), how God called her to be a professor and into the priesthood (08:30), what compelled her to write this book (11:02), why God the Son is "a male like no other" (17:59), how she envisioned God the Father growing up and if it has changed (28:14), the hardest part of the book to write (32:51), her hope for people in the pew who read this book (39:35), and a final prayer and blessing (43:01).

    For more information about Amy and her work:

    • Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College
    • Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Church in Geneva, IL
    • Amy's newest book: “Women and the Gender of God
    • Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide. Co-Authored with Patrick Gray. T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the New Testament. T&T Clark, 2020.
    • You Are My Son: The Family of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews. LNTS 486. London: T&T Clark, 2014.

    Menu for Today's Lunch with Amy and Lance:

    • Modern Pork Pie by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel & Sariann Lehrer “A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook
    • Gratin Dauphinois by The French Cooking Academy with Kate and Stephane
    • Spring Salad
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    44 min
  • A "Sound Morsel" for the Season 6 coming soon . . . All Saints Day- "Are You Washed In the Blood?"
    Nov 2 2022

    Hey y’all! I know the new season has been late, but that has been because of some exciting circumstances in life that I can’t wait to tell you about! However, as a preview into this coming season of Pastor Brian Podcast, here is a small sound morsel of me singing a favorite hymn of rural Indiana Methodists for this, All Saints Day . . . “Are You Washed in the Blood?” (Revelation 7:9-17, Revelation 21 & 22). It is my best audio recreation of what it felt like to sing that hymn in church on All Saints Day . . . enjoy . . . and blessings!

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    1 min
  • SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT- Pastor Brian Podcast Season 6 coming the Fall . . .
    Jul 26 2022

    Hey, y’all! This is Pastor Brian at the Pastor Brian Podcast, just letting you know a little about the end of Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6. I had always intended to end Season 5 of the Pastor Brian Podcast with the Easter episode. However, in a truly bone-head move, I didn’t mention that at the end of the episode (but in the crazy ramp up from the end of Lent to the beginning of Easter I somehow, in mind, thought I did). Thus, many folks, very politely, through email and in-person, asked when the next episode was coming out . . . and I realized I never actually mentioned that at the end of the Easter episode! Again, so sorry if you have been listening and thought maybe I quit the podcast game or accidently died. No, all is well, we are just taking a break to refocus and book new guests for next Season . . . which will be Season 6!

    Thus, I wanted to share what the Season format will look like for the Pastor Brian Podcast! The new 6th Season of Pastor Brian Podcast (which consists of a monthly interview of lay people and clergy doing amazing but often unseen ministry) will begin in September 2022 and go through Easter 2023 in April. Then we will take four months off (just like this summer). I have so many exciting ministries I want to share with you . . . this Sixth Season is going to be fantastic! I can’t wait until September . . . and I will look forward to praying with ya!!!

    The music you hear is "Sunnyside" by Ketsa and licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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    2 min
  • S5:E7- First Two Weeks of Easter Daily Prayers- Gary Church Staff- Sunday, April 17nd, 2022
    Apr 17 2022

    We pray you are being blessed and challenged in these final two weeks of Lent! Our Podcast includes a: Gathering (00:00), Opening Prayer (00:32), Psalm (01:15), Scripture (03:44), Prayer (05:23), Gary Church Staff (08:10), Blessing (08:56), End (09:29). You may find the full daily scripture readings at Daily Revised Common Lectionary and the scripture read in this podcast is Mark 16:1-8 . Blessings!

    If you would like to learn more about the Gary Church Staff:

    • Lent Opening Prayer- Daniel Lee- Director of Youth Ministries
    • Easter Opening Prayer-Debra Evans, Business Administrator
    • Lent Psalter- Jennifer Whiting- Director of Music
    • Easter Psalter- Janet Mathis- Director of Communications
    • Lent Scriptures- Debra Hafner, Office Staff
    • Easter Scriptures- Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson, Senior Pastor
    • Lent Prayers and Response- Carey Williams Bebar, Director of Children’s Ministry and Christian Education
    • Easter Prayers and Response- Jennifer Castino, Welcome Ministries Coordinator
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    9 min
  • S5:E6- Final Two Weeks of Lent Daily Prayers- Gary Church Staff- Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
    Apr 2 2022

    We pray you are being blessed and challenged in these final two weeks of Lent! Our Podcast includes a: Gathering (00:00), Opening Prayer (00:32), Psalm (01:10), Scripture (05:05), Prayer (06:43), Gary Church Staff (09:31), Blessing (10:15), End (10:50). You may find the full daily scripture readings at Daily Revised Common Lectionary and the scripture read in this podcast is John 19:16-24. Blessings!

    If you would like to learn more about the Gary Church Staff:

    • Lent Opening Prayer- Daniel Lee- Director of Youth Ministries
    • Easter Opening Prayer-Debra Evans, Business Administrator
    • Lent Psalter- Jennifer Whiting- Director of Music
    • Easter Psalter- Janet Mathis- Director of Communications
    • Lent Scriptures- Debra Hafner, Office Staff
    • Easter Scriptures- Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson, Senior Pastor
    • Lent Prayers and Response- Carey Williams Bebar, Director of Children’s Ministry and Christian Education
    • Easter Prayers and Response- Jennifer Castino, Welcome Ministries Coordinator
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    11 min
  • S5:E5- "Marissa Sabio and Outreach Community Ministries: Salvation, Faithfulness, and Empowering the Forgotten"- Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
    Mar 22 2022

    Welcome to Season 5! Today we speak with Marissa Sabio, one of the Program Directors for Outreach Community Ministries. Outreach is an amazing ministry that helps the most vulnerable in our community and I am sure many of our listeners have similar ministries within their own communities. Thus, I am so excited to have a talented and gifted person like Marissa on to speak about the exciting work Outreach is doing, but also how Christians can become involved in the mission the gospel compels us all to be part of in caring for and empowering the most vulnerable, forgotten, and oppressed in our communities.

    We begin with a prayer (00:41), our lunch menu (01:35) Marissa's work (02:21), Marissa's personal story of faith in following Christ as Lord and Savior (03:46), what is Outreach Community Ministries (09:05), the main areas of contact for Outreach Community Ministries in the Western Chicago Suburbs (10:22). why was Outreach Community Ministries founded (11:40), Marissa's role and ministry within Outreach Community Ministries (14:00), what compelled her to be part of Outreach Community Ministries (24:10), stories she loves to share about Christ's love, grace, and salvation to others through Outreach Community Ministries (29:24), why she feels it is vital for Christians to be part of ministries like Outreach (and organizations like it) around the nation and the world (37:36), ways a congregation or group of churches can begin to reach out and alongside the poor and oppressed (40:00), ways working in ministry through Outreach Community Ministries strengthened and changed her walk with Christ (42:51), and a blessing (46:18).

    For more information about Marissa and Outreach Community Ministries:

    • Outreach Community Ministries

    Menu for Today's Lunch with Marissa:

    • Jordan's Chicken Adobo with Jasmine Rice by Chef Jordan Andino with braised Baby Bok Choy.
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    47 min