Patient is a hater proof trait because you should be patient. That doesn’t mean to sit around being lazy. Be cautious of your time and recognize the journey you’re on. Helloh! I would like to give credit to the following sources for the information I was able to provide: Google, Los Alamos County New Mexico, Michael Eric Dyson (author of “Entertaining Race: Performing Blackness In America” writing for the Los Angeles Times, etc. Did you think I was going to name all of them? Nah, maybe next episode.
Guest (Maybe)
Current Headlines
Upcoming Holidays
Random Word Definition And Used In A Sentence
Fax? Or Just My Opinion
The G In God
BBW (Being Black and Winning)
My Two Sense
Hershey Kisses/B.R.R.H. Rhymes
Leaving On A High Note
My schedule is here.
Check out the website at and linktree at Hater Proof’s podcast facebook page is
Put that in your browser and stroke it; you know…keystrokes. I felt I had to explain that for the ones in the back. Carry on.
Be brave. Be courageous. Be hater proof.