Peace is a fruit that is also a promise full of protection and safety.
Peace in Hebrew is shâlôm- safe, that is, well, happy, friendly; also welfare, that is, health, prosperity, familiar, fare, favour, friend, greet, (good) health, ( perfect, such as be at) peace, salute, ( all is, be) well, whole.
Judges 6:24
Is. 9:6-7
Micah 5:5
Luke 2:14
Eph. 2:14
Col. 1:20
Acts 10:36
Rom. 5:1
1 Pet. 5:7
Prov. 14:30
Sound in Hebrew is marpê'- literally (concretely) a medicine, a cure; deliverance, healing (-lth), remedy, sound, wholesome.
Jn. 14:27
Jn. 16:33
2 Pet. 1:2
Heb. 2:14-15
Jn. 8:32
Ps. 119:45
2 Cor. 3:17
1 Jn. 4:4
1 Jn. 4:18
2 Cor. 5:7
Is. 26:3
Rom. 8:5-6
In the greek Carnal is sarx means flesh or external
Rom. 3:4
2 Tim. 1:7
Phil. 4:6-7
Ps. 37:23
Ps. 111:10
1 Cor. 14:14
Jude 1:20
Phil. 4:8
Heb. 4:2
Rom. 10:17
Prov. 4:20-23
The Hebrew word for health is marpê'- literally (concretely) a medicine, a cure; deliverance, remedy, sound, wholesome.
Rom. 16:20
Eph. 6:13;15
Ps. 18:37-40
Ps. 47:3
Ps. 91:13
Eph. 6:14;16
1 Pet. 5:8-9
2 Cor. 1:20
Rom. 4:20-22
Ps. 106:24
James 4:7
Prov. 29:17
Is. 54:13
Prov. 18:20-21
2 Thess. 3:16