You are listening to E. A. T- Everyday Adventure Talk.
The podcast that dives into adventurous lifestyle activities, parenting chaos, breaking societal norms and just bringing more joy and adventure back into our lives.
Today Brian and Kelsey walk you through episode three of becoming skoolie owners. Pearl's first excursion and their adventures this last weekend. They dive into what drove them to purchase their new skoolie and the community that awaits them as they plan their next adventure.
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Chat soon,
B & K
Follow the Hosts!
Kelsey's Instagram: @kelseydisanzo
Brian's Instagram: @brianghealy
Follow the Pod!
E.A.T Instagram: @everydayadventuretalk
E.A.T Facebook: @everydayadventuretalk
YouTube & TikTok coming soon! GoPro footage in process.
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