
  • How to Check Your Bias: Accents with Dr. Katherine Kinzler
    Sep 2 2020

    Samara chats with the groundbreaking psychologist and author of the new book How You Say It: Why You Talk The Way You Do—and What It Says About You, about what Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s changing accent tells us about human nature, how Hugh Laurie betrayed us, and the accent YOU have. As Katherine says, the language you use and the sounds you make are “so critical to feelings of identity, when you speak, you let a little bit of yourself out, for the world to interpret.” And sometimes, all hell breaks loose. From what went down at the trial of Trayvon Martin’s killer to how you yourself may very well judge a foreign accent, this conversation is about what the studies reveal about ourselves, and about what we can do about it. Enjoy this final episode for a while!

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Samara on IG: @samarabay

    Cat on IG: @catburt & @doublevisionprojects

    To sign up your kids for a study or learn more about Katherine’s work, visit: dsclab.uchicago.edu

    For Katherine’s book: indiebound.org/book/9780544986558

    For Adrienne Maree Brown’s book: indiebound.org/book/9781849353267

    For the full clip with Rachel Maddow: youtube.com/watch?v=yjP2k3dyq48

    How RBG found her voice: time.com/ruth-bader-ginsburg-supreme-court/

    The linguistics of Rachel Jeantel: ideas.time.com/2013/06/28/rachel-jeantel-explained-linguistically/

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com and join Samara every Thursday morning for an IGLIVE @permissiontospeakpod.

    And please pass this along to anyone who could use it. Leave us a review and rate us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, too. We’re grateful for all your support.

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • How to Rise with Former Rep. Katie Hill
    Aug 26 2020

    Samara chats with the California congresswoman who resigned in November—about how to actually run for office, the politics of politics on Capitol Hill, and what it was like to weather a very public shaming—and how to write and deliver a speech in the midst of it. With lots of swearing and free-flowing rosé, this is a bit of a departure from the rest of Katie’s press tour for her new book, She Will Rise: Becoming a Warrior in the Battle for True Equality, but permission to speak, amirite??

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Samara on IG: @samarabay

    Cat on IG: @catburt & @doublevisionprojects

    Katie on Twitter: @katiehill4CA

    Katie’s book: indiebound.org/book/9781538737002

    AOC quote: twitter.com/AOC/status/1133383123503321090

    Kamala & Sarah Cooper **MUST WATCH**: youtube.com/watch?v=QfU7O2ghg3k

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com – where do you need more permission?

    And of course, SUBSCRIBE!! And please pass this along to anyone who could use it. Leave us a review and rate us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, too. We’re grateful for your support.

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • How to Make Dolly Parton Cry with Shima Oliaee
    Aug 19 2020

    Samara chats with the award-winning reporter and producer of Dolly Parton’s America about ALL the delicious behind-the-scenes on the hit pod series with Jad Abumrad, plus finding her own voice on the mic, the superpower of being okay with being hated, and how to land a kickass money ask.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Samara on IG: @samarabay

    Cat on IG: @catburt & @doublevisionprojects

    Shima’s latest projects: wnycstudios.org/people/shima-oliaee

    Quote from: diannahardy.com/

    Michaela Coel’s speech: youtube.com/watch?v=odusP8gmqsg&app=desktop

    Virgina Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own: indiebound.org/search/book?keys=a+room+of+one%27s+own

    Anna Deavere Smith’s Talk to Me: indiebound.org/book/9780385721745

    Alain de Botton quote from this gorgeous pod episode: howtofail.podbean.com/e/alain-de-botton-c19/

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com – where do you need more permission?

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. Leave us a review, rate us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, and SUBSCRIBE to hear Permission to Speak weekly. We’re grateful for your support.

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 5 min
  • Mailbag: Part 2
    Aug 12 2020

    Samara and her pod producer Cat take listener questions on everything from vocal fry’s benefits – yes, benefits – to what we do if we think we’re too nasal, what we do if we can’t breathe because of anxiety (WHY WOULD WE HAVE ANXIETY), and how to stop apologizing for taking up time and space.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Samara on IG: @samarabay

    Cat on IG: @catburt & @doublevisionprojects

    Quote from: aeon.co/essays/if-language-began-in-the-hands-why-did-it-ever-leave

    Samara’s book recs IGTV at: instagram.com/p/CC_iy03pyIm/

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com – where do YOU need more permission?

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. Click subscribe for your weekly dose of permission, and if you’re feeling extra spicy, we’d be grateful if you left us a review or rated us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app :)

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • Mailbag: Part 1
    Aug 5 2020

    Samara and her pod producer Cat take listener questions and talk big ideas—about how to stop people pleasing in a pandemic, how tiny choices we’ve made throughout our lives got us the voices we have now, what’s up with trying to convince others that we have authority, and a whole lot of Samara’s own juicy backstory.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Samara on IG: @samarabay

    Cat on IG: @catburt & @doublevisionprojects

    Quote: Esther 4:14

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com – where do you need more permission?

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. If you’re feeling extra spicy, we’d be grateful if you left us a review or rated us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, and subscribed for your weekly dose of Permission to Speak :)

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • How to Inspire Hope with Ilyse Hogue
    Jul 29 2020

    Samara chats with the president of NARAL Pro Choice America about what public speaking and leadership even mean (hello, AOC), how to find hope in a dystopia, and what it is to know our history—her new book tells the story of the politicization of abortion, and how WE can change the narrative.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Ilyse on IG: @ilyseh

    NARAL on IG: @prochoiceamerica

    Buy The Lie That Binds: barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lie-that-binds-ilyse-hogue/1137333853?ean=9781947492509

    More of Ayanna Pressley’s video: theglowup.theroot.com/exclusive-rep-ayanna-pressley-reveals-beautiful-bald-1841039847

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com – where do you need more permission?

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. If you’re feeling extra spicy, we’d be grateful if you left us a review or rated us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, and subscribed for your weekly dose of Permission to Speak :)

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • How to Be Yourself with Ashley Nicole Black
    Jul 22 2020

    Samara chats with the writer, comedian, and actress known for “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” and “A Black Lady Sketch Show,” about how to play and trust our instincts like we did when we were kids, who the gatekeepers of funny are, and why ideas are like toilet paper.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    Follow Ashley: @ashnb1 on IG and @ashleyn1cole on Twitter

    Ashley’s segment with Stacey Abrams: youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_newQ5exo

    Ashley as Trinity: youtube.com/watch?v=pULIUqK8Bt4

    Ashley as The Most Annoying Girl: youtube.com/watch?v=GYsRMi92jX4&t=26s

    Email us at permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com with any questions or thoughts about speaking up and using your voice. We're here for you.

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. If you’re feeling extra spicy, we’d be grateful if you left us a review or rated us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, and subscribed for your weekly dose of Permission to Speak :)

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • How to Check Your Bias: Women’s Voices with Amanda Montell
    Jul 15 2020

    Samara chats with the author of “Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language” about the subtle ways our speech differs from men’s, and why. This is a conversation about how we talk, how we get judged, how we judge others, and what needs to change (and doesn’t!) so we can show up in the world as ourselves.

    Host: Samara Bay

    Executive producers: Catherine Burt Cantin & Mark Cantin, Double Vision doublevisionprojects.com

    Producers: Samara Bay, Sophie Lichterman and the iHeart team

    Theme music: Mark Cantin

    “Wordslut” by Amanda Montell (new in paperback): indiebound.org/book/9780062868886

    Amanda on IG: @amanda_montell

    “Joining the Resistance” by Carol Gilligan: indiebound.org/book/9780745651705

    “Boys & Sex” by Peggy Orenstein: indiebound.org/book/9780062666970

    Email permissiontospeakpod@gmail.com with any questions about your voice and Samara will answer 'em in our next mailbag episode!

    And of course, please pass this along to anyone who could use it. If you’re feeling extra spicy, we’d be grateful if you left us a review or rated us on Apple Podcasts or the iHeartRadio app, and subscribed for your weekly dose of Permission to Speak :)

    Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min