In this episode, I talk about personal myths and story-making. We all walked through the world with stories that color how we live into the world. Some stories are helpful and supportive, while others impede our growth.
In this episode, I discuss a course I teach in personal mythology. For more about the course, please go to:
In this episode, I reference other scholars who have written on the subject of personal myth, archetype, and mythology. Please see the references below:
- Feinstein, D. & Krippner, S. (1997). The mythic path: discovering the guiding stories of your past – creating a vision for the future. New York, Tarcher
- Jung, C. (1969). Collected works of C. G. Jung, vol.9.1. 2ed., Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Larsen, s. (1996). The mythic imagination: the quest for meaning through personal mythology . Rochester, NY: Inner Traditions International.